Schoolyard goose not friendly
Published: Dec 06, 2022 07:06 PM Updated: Dec 06, 2022 07:04 PM
A female student in Lianyungang, East China’s Jiangsu Province, encountered a goose at a lake located on campus on Sunday.

A female student in Lianyungang, East China’s Jiangsu Province, encountered a goose at a lake located on campus on Sunday.

A female student in Lianyungang, East China's Jiangsu Province, encountered a goose at a lake located on campus on Sunday. She tried to get close to the goose seeing it as a senior fellow, only to be attacked and chased for her efforts.

The student said that she seldom has contact with geese and thought that since the water-loving bird had lived in school for years, it must have been comfortable around people. At first, when she saw the goose coming toward her, she thought it was a beautiful picture of "mutual love," however she was not expecting the goose to attack her. Netizens were amused by the hilarious video posted online and said that the natural environment of the school must be very nice.

"This shows that the students of the school have a lot of respect for the animals, even regarding these animals as their seniors," one netizen joked.