Wild boars placed under arrest after eating students’ takeaways at a university in Shenyang, Liaoning
Published: Mar 08, 2023 07:13 PM
Wild boars placed under arrest after eating students' takeaways at a university in Shenyang. Photo:web

Wild boars placed under arrest after eating students' takeaways at a university in Shenyang. Photo:web

A video of wild boars roaming the campus of Shenyang Agricultural University and eating students' takeaways has attracted wide attention recently. Then the school called the police and issued a warning to  students.

Policemen from the local police station rushed to the scene immediately. Meanwhile, they, together with the forest police brigade of the municipal public security bureau as well as volunteer forest safety guards, carried out a search of the area where the wild boars appeared near a hill at the back of the university.

After two hours of searching, one of the wild boars was finally caught in the hills behind the school. A staff member from the security department of the university said that as of Monday, authorities were still searching for the other two boars.

Experts said that as the ecological environment of the mountain forests around Shenyang has improved significantly, the wild boar population in the nearby mountain forests is increasing. 

"Such a phenomenon shows that the ecological environment has become better and students will not be in danger as long as boars do not disturb their lives," experts warned.