Fact check: Accuracy of AI technology in detecting Alzheimer's disease reaches 70 percent
Published: May 18, 2023 10:05 PM Updated: May 18, 2023 10:04 PM
Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada recently stated in a paper that they are developing a machine-learning model that can be accessed via smartphones to identify early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by analyzing acoustic and speech characteristics. Photo: web

Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada recently stated in a paper that they are developing a machine-learning model that can be accessed via smartphones to identify early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by analyzing acoustic and speech characteristics. Photo: web

The pace of Alzheimer's disease research has recently quickened significantly. Following early screenings of patients through blood analysis, AI technology now offers a new approach. Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada recently stated in a paper that they are developing a machine-learning model that can be accessed via smartphones to identify early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease by analyzing acoustic and speech characteristics.

The results are quite astonishing, with the model's accuracy in distinguishing between Alzheimer's patients and healthy individuals reaching 70 to 75 percent.

As early as February, the Intelligent Medical Imaging (iMED) team at the Ningbo Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed an advanced AI model for detecting Alzheimer's disease.

By merely inputting ophthalmic images into the AI model, the subject can be quickly diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

Many netizens stated that with major corporate AI labs investing in AI-assisted drug development, scholars will be encouraged to use AI to research drugs or vaccines for specific diseases.

It is believed that in the near future, there will be drugs targeted at Alzheimer's disease, providing reassurance for the elderly.