Chinese delegates’ attendance of Shangri-La Dialogue another successful practice of China's military diplomacy in the new era
Published: Jun 09, 2023 07:47 PM
He Lei was interviewed by Chinese and foreign journalists at the venue of the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue.

He Lei, PLA Lieutenant General and former vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences of the PLA, was interviewed by Chinese and foreign journalists at the venue of the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue.

The 20th Shangri-La Dialogue was held in Singapore from June 2 to 4. This dialogue took place against the backdrop of accelerated once-in-a-century changes in the global landscape, intense and complex power competition among major countries, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, strained relations between China and the US, profound adjustments in the international strategic landscape and amid a new period of turbulence and transformation in the world.

Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Li Shangfu led the delegation of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) to attend the conference upon invitation. During the dialogue, the Chinese military delegation adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military and Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy. They vigorously promoted the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and the Global Security Initiative, elucidated the essential characteristics and global significance of Chinese modernization, reaffirmed China's foreign policy and defense policy, responded positively to major hot-button issues with principled positions, and engaged in a rational and forceful struggle against groundless accusations from certain countries.

At the same time, they held meetings and talks with leaders of defense departments, senior military officials from participating countries, and heads of international organizations, broadening contacts, making friends, enhancing mutual understanding and friendly relations, and receiving widespread praise from the organizers and participating countries. It can be said that the Chinese military delegation once again successfully carried out vibrant practices linked to China's military diplomacy in the new era and achieved significant new results at this highly anticipated Asian security summit.

Promote security initiative and present China's solution 

This year marks the second year of the Global Security Initiative proposed by President Xi, and it is also the first time after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Two Sessions that a new Minister of National Defense led a high-level delegation to attend a high-level and large-scale security and defense forum in the Asia-Pacific region, which attracts heightened attention from all parties and has great international influence. 

Li delivered a speech on the topic of "China's New Security Initiative," vigorously promoting China's Global Security Initiative and presenting the country's solution to implementing this agenda. He made clear statements regarding how Chinese modernization provides new opportunities for global prosperity and stability, how China and countries in the Asia-Pacific region strengthen the community with a shared future, and how they promote the healthy development of regional security cooperation.

Li emphasized that the Global Security Initiative underlines the inseparable security community of human society and advocates a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept. It advocates a new path to security featuring dialogue over confrontation, partnership over alliance and win-win over zero-sum. This contributes Chinese wisdom to addressing international security challenges.

In light of the security situation in the Asia-Pacific region, Li put forward a four-point proposal: mutual respect should prevail over bullying and hegemony; fairness and justice should transcend the law of the jungle; eliminating conflicts and confrontation through mutual trust and consultation; and preventing bloc confrontation with openness and inclusiveness. 

He pointed out that a distinctive feature of the Chinese path to modernization is an adherence to peaceful development. This is not only a valuable experience gained by the Chinese people through countless hardships and practical exploration but also injects strong impetus into promoting common development, making important contributions to safeguarding world peace, and playing an active role in improving the global governance system.

In his speech, Li expressed China's sincere desire to build a security cooperation framework in the Asia-Pacific region and seek a better security outlook in the region. China is willing to work with all parties to create a higher level of security mutual trust system, promote the construction of more just security rules, establish more comprehensive multilateral security mechanisms, and engage in more practical and effective defense and security cooperation.

His speech received extended and enthusiastic applause, and he was widely praised by attending representatives. Both domestic and foreign media offered positive feedback, highlighting a stark contrast with the speech of the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who extensively discussed the US' leadership position in the Indo-Pacific region and its engagement in forming alliances and confrontations.

Clarify principles and assert the strong voice of the Chinese military

In a period when China is facing both strategic opportunities and risks, with increasing uncertainties and unpredictable factors, the Chinese military delegation made full use of the important international platform provided by the dialogue to reaffirm China's principled positions on major issues concerning Taiwan, the South China Sea, which are all related to China's core interests, and China-US relations. This further demonstrated China's firm determination and strong will to defend national territorial sovereignty and maintain regional and global peace and stability.

In his speech, Li solemnly pointed out with indisputable facts that the Taiwan question is an internal affair of China and this is the first indisputable fact. China's reunification is an overriding historical trend and unstoppable course. "If anyone dares to separate Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will not hesitate for one second. We will fear no opponents and resolutely safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity regardless of any cost," Li noted.

Regarding the South China Sea, Li emphasized that the sound momentum toward greater stability in the South China Sea must not be disrupted. Solidarity among regional countries needs to be cherished.

He pledged that China will join hands with other regional countries, keep in mind the big picture and long-term interests, fully and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and push forward the negotiations of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, so as to build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation.

Some countries outside the region exercise their "hegemony of navigation" in the name of "freedom of navigation." They want to muddy the waters to extract profits, Li said, stressing that regional countries should stay highly vigilant and firmly reject these acts.

China-US relations were a focal point of attention, discussions, and media coverage at this dialogue. This is a major issue concerning global strategic stability. Li stated that both countries will benefit from cooperation and lose from confrontation. The right way for China and the United States to get along is following the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.

He called on the US to work with China to to navigate the bilateral relations back to the right track from the difficult situation, so as to deliver more benefits to both countries and the world as a whole.

Refute groundless accusations and safeguard national interests

According to the current state of relations between the two countries and the two militaries, the Chinese side believes that the time is not ripe and conditions were not met for a meeting with the US Defense Secretary at this dialogue. Therefore, the Chinese side has not agreed to meet with the US Defense Secretary for talks, which demonstrates the firm principle of China's military diplomacy. During the meeting, Li and Austin met on several occasions, shook hands and greeted each other, showing the inclusiveness and flexibility of China's military diplomacy.

On the morning of the June 3, in Austin's speech on "the US' leadership in the Indo-Pacific," he baselessly accused China of impeding "freedom of navigation" in the South China Sea, criticized China's stance on the South China Sea arbitration, and made unwarranted allegations against China's interception and expulsion of foreign military warship and aircraft that intruded into area near China's territorial waters and airspace. On the Taiwan question, Austin talked about "maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits" and said expressed opposition to any unilateral changes to the status quo, which interfered grossly in China's internal affairs. Although not naming China directly, he reproached China for refusing to meet with the US Defense Secretary during this dialogue.

Following Austin's speech, the Chinese military delegation organized a press briefing for Chinese and foreign journalists on the same day at noon, where Lieutenant General Jing Jianfeng, deputy chief of the Joint Staff Department of China's Central Military Commission, made a clear response.

Jing solemnly pointed out that the Taiwan question concerns China's core interests and brooks no compromise. The US "exploiting Taiwan to contain China" and "Taiwan independence" separatists relying on external forces are the real factors causing changes in the status quo, exacerbating tensions and undermining the stability. The PLA is fully prepared and ready to firmly defend China's sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.

China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and adjacent waters. China advocates the peaceful resolution of disputes in the South China Sea, while it is the US who is the real mastermind behind tension in the South China Sea. The US promotion of the "Indo-Pacific strategy" is an attempt to provoke group confrontation and aims to consolidate its hegemonic position.

China values the development of China-US military relations, and contacts and exchanges between the two militaries have not been suspended, Jing said, adding that the US should be blamed for current obstacles to the development of the relations.

On the morning of the June 4, during the question-and-answer session following Li's speech, the focus was mainly on the Taiwan Straits, the South China Sea, China-US relations, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, among other hot topics. Many of the questions were sensitive, sharp, and even challenging. Li provided concise and pointed answers.

When responding to questions raised by the US and Dutch delegates regarding China's interception and expulsion of US military warships and aircraft, Li asked back "Why do all these incidents happen near China's sovereign waters and airspace, not in areas near other countries?"

"The best way to prevent this from happening is that military vessels and aircraft not come close to our waters and airspace. What does this have to do with your security? Watch your own territorial waters and airspace, then there will not be any problems," Li said.

Li's answers to the delegates' questions not only achieved the effect of explaining and underlining China's position, but also fought back and criticized and refuted groundless accusations against China, winning bursts of applause and widespread praise from the delegates.

Actively engage in exchanges and make friends from all sides

Military diplomacy is an important component of national diplomacy and must serve the interests of the country's foreign relations. When the relationship between two countries is good, the military relationship between them is also good; when the military relationship is good, the overall relationship between the two countries improves further.

In the new era, an important function of China's military diplomacy is to actively engage in military cooperation with relevant countries' defense departments and armed forces, make friends, enhance military mutual trust, establish friendly relations, and better serve the country's diplomacy, as well as defend national interests and maintain world peace.

The Chinese military delegation considers making friends, promoting friendship, and building mutual trust as an important task during the conference, and actively engages in extensive exchange activities. Prior to the conference, Li led the delegation on a friendly visit to Singapore, where they received a high-level reception and were warmly welcomed.

Li had friendly talks with Singapore's Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen and participated in activities such as a farewell dinner for Singapore's Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, deepening the friendly relations between the two militaries and promoting practical exchanges and cooperation.

During the conference, the Chinese military delegation actively conducted intensive military diplomacy activities. Leaders such as Li had discussions with leaders or heads of delegations from various countries and international organizations. They exchanged views on bilateral relations, the international and regional situation, and issues of common concerns such as Taiwan question, the South China Sea, and Ukraine. They also met with officials from the conference organizers, deepening understanding, enhancing friendship, and establishing productive working relationships.

During the question-and-answer session after his speech, Li patiently listened and calmly answered questions from the delegates. He provided clear and concise explanations and expressed his hope for further in-depth discussions on relevant issues in the future, bridging the gap with ordinary delegates and leaving a good impression and a sense of sincerity, equality, and effective communication.

Every member of the delegation serves as a friendly envoy. Whether inside or outside the conference venue, in the hallways or during meals, they were polite and graceful when encountering and conversing with foreign delegates and reporters. They demonstrated the open-minded and civilized demeanor of Chinese military personnel in the new era, showcasing their rationality and wisdom, and expanding the achievements of military diplomacy.

At the 20th Shangri-La Dialogue, the Chinese military delegation lived up to its mission and fulfilled its responsibilities, actively conducting a proactive military diplomacy campaign. The fundamental reason for this success lies in the correct guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, the favorable external environment created by diplomatic practices, the alignment of global security initiatives with the trends of the times and reflecting the common aspirations of most countries, and the progress and increasing strength of the motherland and the military.

In the new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects, the Chinese military must adhere to the Party's absolute leadership over the military, deeply implement Xi Jinping's thinking on strengthening the military and Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy, comprehensively enhance the combat capability of the troops, actively participate in international multilateral security and defense forums and other military diplomacy activities, serve the overall interests of the country's diplomacy, create a new situation in national defense and military modernization, build the PLA into a world-class military, defend national sovereignty, security, and development interests, achieve complete national reunification, make new and greater contributions to building a community with a shared future for mankind, and safeguard world peace and stability.

The author is PLA Lieutenant General and former vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences of the PLA. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn