Contestants compete during a dragon boat race on the Spree River in Berlin, Germany, June 9, 2023. Over 300 contestants from 17 teams participated in the event on Friday. (Xinhua/Ren Pengfei)
Contestants compete during a dragon boat race on the Spree River in Berlin, Germany, June 9, 2023. Over 300 contestants from 17 teams participated in the event on Friday. (Xinhua/Ren Pengfei)
Contestants compete during a dragon boat race on the Spree River in Berlin, Germany, June 9, 2023. Over 300 contestants from 17 teams participated in the event on Friday. (Xinhua/Ren Pengfei)
Contestants compete during a dragon boat race on the Spree River in Berlin, Germany, June 9, 2023. Over 300 contestants from 17 teams participated in the event on Friday. (Xinhua/Ren Pengfei)