Hundreds of pigs stunned by the heat; firefighters bring timely ‘rain’
Published: Jul 19, 2023 10:19 PM Updated: Jul 19, 2023 10:16 PM
Recently, a truck driver carrying hundreds of pigs called the police for help, saying that the weather was too hot, and the pigs inside the truck were seriously dehydrated due to heat stroke. Photo: web

Recently, a truck driver carrying hundreds of pigs called the police for help, saying that the weather was too hot, and the pigs inside the truck were seriously dehydrated due to heat stroke. Photo: web

Recently, a truck driver carrying hundreds of pigs called the police for help, saying that the weather was too hot, and the pigs inside the truck were seriously dehydrated due to heat stroke, which urgently needed to cool down, at Quzhou Dongxian toll station in East China's Zhejiang Province.

Firefighters then arrived at the scene, immediately set up the water gun, and used the nozzle to cool down the pigs in the truck. After more than 20 minutes of cooling treatment, the originally listless pigs gradually recovered their vitality.

Many netizens were touched by the firefighters' quick response, which was commendable for their ability to solve people's problems as quickly as possible despite the hot weather.