Xiamen fines phone scrollers
Published: Aug 02, 2023 03:31 PM
To better ensure pedestrian safety, Xiamem city in East China's Fujian Province implemented new traffic management measures starting on Tuesday. Photo: web

To better ensure pedestrian safety, Xiamem city in East China's Fujian Province implemented new traffic management measures starting on Tuesday. Photo: web

Zebra crossings are an important part of urban traffic, serving both as safety lines for pedestrians crossing the street and as markers of a city's civility. However, in recent years, the phenomenon of scrolling through phones while crossing zebra crossings has become more prevalent, which is not only unsafe but may also obstruct traffic.

To better ensure pedestrian safety, Xiamem city in East China's Fujian Province implemented new traffic management measures starting on Tuesday. From then on, if an individual scrolls through his or her phone while crossing a zebra crossing in Xiamen, they may face a fine. The regulations clearly state that pedestrians should pass through zebra crossings as quickly as possible, and they must not sit, linger, horseplay, browse electronic devices, or engage in other activities that affect traffic safety. Violations that obstruct the legal passage of vehicles will be punished with a warning or a fifty yuan fine.

Netizens expressed support and understanding for the regulation, saying that the new regulations can better ensure the safety of pedestrians and area responsible performance.