Folk song choral concert wows Beijing audience
Published: Aug 20, 2023 10:11 PM
Photo: Courtesy of Fang Xiao

Photo: Courtesy of Fang Xiao

A choral concert featuring folk songs was presented by the China National Traditional Orchestra (CNTO) at the National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA) in Beijing and it showcased a diverse array of folk songs, ethnic vocal techniques, and traditional instruments from across China.

In a groundbreaking collaboration, the CNTO joined forces with Wang Linlin, national first-class conductor of the China National Symphony Orchestra, for the first time. The concert was hosted by Geng Jing, with piano accompaniment provided by Quan Yan and Yan Han.

"We aimed to make the best use of everyone's exceptional vocal qualities and singing abilities, striving to explore the finest expressions of Chinese folk song choral performance through these compositions. Our intention was to integrate ethnic vocal techniques into choral art, presenting a new possibility," stated Wang Linlin in an interview with the Global Times.

The concert featured composer Jin Wei's fresh adaptations of nine well-known folk songs, originating from various regions, which span from northwestern Shaanxi province to central Henan, from Inner Mongolia to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, from the island of Taiwan to Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

These nine songs were performed in succession on stage, allowing the audience to traverse the diverse cultural tapestry of the nation and experience the distinct characteristics of China's different customs.

Rao Xi, deputy researcher at the Music Research Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, highlighted that "China, as a unified multi-ethnic nation with vast territory, embraces diversity. Through this concert, audiences can tangibly sense the cultural uniqueness of each ethnicity and grasp the pattern of unity in diversity."

The first half of the concert culminated with the performance of White Moon, where four performers from Southwest China's Yunnan province, adorned in Bai ethnic attire, took the stage. Their appearance garnered enthusiastic applause from the live audience, marking their debut on the NCPA stage.

Zhao Cong, president of the CNTO, led a team on a research trip to the Yunnan Dali Bai Opera Troupe, with creative and performing members visiting Dali twice to gather inspiration. Bai Opera, designated as a national-level intangible cultural heritage, possesses distinctive tonal rhythms and deeply touching vitality.

"I reinterpreted the original melody, incorporating elements of Bai ethnic rap and the era-specific hand disk, a traditional musical instrument. This version aligns with contemporary aesthetics while retaining strong local flavors," Li Shangqian, resident composer of the CNTO, shared with the Global Times.

Zhao added that "Our aspiration is to draw nourishment from the masses and elevate more of the hidden musical treasures from the grassroots to broader stages, contributing to the dissemination and promotion of ethnic music."
Founded in 1960, CNTO is the world's largest traditional music performance ensemble, boasting the largest collection of traditional Chinese instruments and it has engaged in international cultural exchanges across more than 30 countries and regions worldwide.