Man stopped after drifting on paddleboard for a month in Yangtze River
Published: Aug 23, 2023 02:43 PM
Man is stopped after drifting on paddleboard for a month in Yangtze River on August 20, 2023. Photo: Modern Express

Man is stopped after drifting on paddleboard for a month in Yangtze River on August 20, 2023. Photo: Modern Express

A paddleboard was spotted entering the waters of the Yangtze River as the paddleboard maneuvered through the busy shipping lanes on August 20. Responding swiftly, the Zhenjiang maritime authorities dispatched a patrol boat to the scene, signaling for the paddle-boarder to halt. 

Once the man safely reached the shore, it was discovered that the individual, surnamed Jiang, claimed to be embarking on a journey to welcome the Hangzhou Asian Games, scheduled to set off from Beijing on July 9 and arrived in Yangzhou on August 18. On the morning of August 20, he intended to paddle across the river and continue his journey south, ultimately making his way to Hangzhou city.

"It was the peak period for vessel traffic at the river entrance, with heavy congestion from passing ships. The situation is extremely dangerous," stated Tang Tongming, the director of the Maritime Supervision Division at Zhenjiang Zhengrunzhou Maritime Affairs Office.

The Zhenjiang Maritime Bureau Command Center later issued a navigation warning to enhance vigilance, reduce speed, closely monitor the drifting individual's movements, exercise caution, and ensure safety. Enforcement officers were immediately dispatched to the scene for further intervention.

The law enforcement officers provided Jiang with guidance and education regarding the dangers of drifting in the river during the region's flood season. 

They highlighted how drifting activities not only disrupt navigational safety but also pose a high risk of waterborne accidents. Under the advisement of the maritime enforcement officers, Jiang acknowledged the hazards associated with drifting in the river. Jiang was safely escorted away from the river.

Modern Express