German embassy holds quartet summer concert in Beijing
Published: Aug 25, 2023 12:22 AM
The quartet concert Photo: Courtesy of China National Symphony Orchestra

The quartet concert Photo: Courtesy of China National Symphony Orchestra

The Palace Museum String Quartet Indoor
concert by the China National Symphony Orchestra was held in German Embassy in China on August 18, with nearly 150 representatives from both countries participating in the event.

German Ambassador Dr. Patricia Flor welcomed the orchestra in her speech, noting that it was the first time that they had partnered with the embassy's summer concert series.

Music was delivered by four excellent young musicians, who have travelled overseas for performances on several previous occasions.

This concert is a regular event held by the German Embassy in China every summer, aiming to promote cultural exchanges between China and Germany. 

The China National Symphony Orchestra is committed to using music to build a bridge of worldwide cultural communication. The orchestra's participation in this summer concert is also a new area of engagement with the German Embassy in China, aiming to  spread the voice of China, tell Chinese stories and contribute to cultural exchanges between China and abroad.