Top diplomat Wang Yi meets with US’ Sullivan, emphasizing Taiwan question as ‘the first red line’
Published: Sep 18, 2023 01:14 AM
China US Photo:VCG

China US Photo:VCG

Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi on Sunday held several rounds of meetings in Malta with US national security adviser Jake Sullivan.
According to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, the two sides conducted frank, substantive and constructive strategic communications on stabilizing and improving China-US relations. 
Wang, who is also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, emphasized that the Taiwan question is the first red line that must not be crossed in China-US relations, and that the US must abide by the three joint communiqués and its commitment not to support "Taiwan independence." 
China's development has a strong endogenous momentum, following the inevitable logic of history, Wang said. It cannot be stopped, nor can the Chinese people's right to development be deprived.
The two sides agreed to continue to implement the important consensus reached at the Bali meeting, maintain high-level exchanges, and hold China-US consultations on Asia-Pacific affairs, maritime affairs and foreign policy. The two sides also discussed measures to further support and facilitate people-to-people exchanges.

Global Times