Culture Beat: 'An Encounter to Remember' premieres
Published: Oct 18, 2023 09:33 PM
Cast and crew members of the movie take a photo at the premiere ceremony. Photo: Courtesy of <em>An Encounter to Remember</em>

Cast and crew members of the movie take a photo at the premiere ceremony. Photo: Courtesy of An Encounter to Remember

The film An Encounter to Remember held its premiere in Beijing earlier this week. The event was attended by director Ha Zhichao, screenwriter Qiu Yan, and the film's cast, including Jin Shijia and Zhang Juning. They engaged with the audience, sharing their insights and behind-the-scenes stories about the movie. 

The film tells the story of Cao Luyi (Jin), an ultrasound technician who finds himself at a crossroads in life. Through a friend's introduction, he takes a job at a sanatorium. There, he encounters the lovestruck Liu Yingjun (Qiu Ze) and Wu Yanzi (Zhang), as well as caregiver Li Wenjing and a group of endearing individuals. From initial meetings to deep connections, they all discover a sense of belonging and home in one another.

Director Ha Zhichao and screenwriter Qiu Yan shared the creative process behind the scenes. "There are various people with various life experiences in this story, and how they face life is the most important thing," Ha said. 

"It's a tale rooted in reality but set in a relatively warm context. This creative endeavor was especially precious," Qiu noted.

The movie is set to hit theaters nationwide on October 20.