Man has to resign 3 days after employment for stealing Maotai liquor
Published: Nov 01, 2023 06:19 PM
Man has to resign 3 days after employment for stealing Maotai liquor Photo: screenshot from Litchi News

Man has to resign 3 days after employment for stealing Maotai liquor Photo: screenshot from Litchi News

Recently, a restaurant in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu Province, reported to the police that several bottles of Maotai and Wuliangye liquor were missing from their warehouse. According to media reports, the restaurant's surveillance had an alarm function, which alerted security personnel to check the liquor. Surveillance footage showed a masked man entered the wine cellar after the restaurant closed, skillfully opening the password lock, and left with two bags of Maotai liquor. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that this man had stolen in the same manner twice within a month.

With the help of police, the restaurant manager identified the thief as Zhang, who had recently resigned from the restaurant. When Zhang was found by police, he admitted to the theft when presented with surveillance footage. 

It turned out that Zhang had worked at the restaurant for three days before leaving without any reason given. He used the information he had acquired during his employment to facilitate the theft, such as the location of important property and corresponding password. 

Upon investigation, Zhang collected a profit of 15,600 yuan ($2,132) from selling the stolen goods. After a trial, Zhang was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment with one-year probation and fined 20,000 yuan for the crime, media reported on Tuesday.