Cab driver accidentally pressed lightbox to call for help till police found it to be a sham
Published: Nov 16, 2023 02:48 PM
Recently, a taxi at the entrance of the Liulin toll station on the Lianhuo expressway in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan Province, displayed the words

Recently, a taxi at the entrance of the Liulin toll station on the Lianhuo expressway in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan Province, displayed the words "I have been robbed, please call the police" on its roof LED lightbox. Photo: web

Recently, a taxi at the entrance of the Liulin toll station on the Lianhuo expressway in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan Province, displayed the words "I have been robbed, please call the police" on its roof LED lightbox. Dozens of people along the road saw it and called police for help. 

The detachment of the Henan Provincial Public Security Department's Highway Patrol quickly responded and brought the people in taxi and the vehicle under control. In less than three minutes, police quickly identified the vehicle, and conducted an investigation of the two occupants inside. 

However, faced with the police's questioning, the taxi driver, surnamed Si, was confused and surprised. It turned out that the so-called "being robbed" was just a misunderstanding. The reason was that the taxi driver accidentally pressed the wrong text on the roof lightbox due to carelessness. After clarifying the truth, the police provided Si with safety education and informed her about safe driving knowledge. Before leaving, Si and the passengers in the car thumbed up for the police for their dedicated and responsible work attitude.