China, US commerce ministers to meet in San Francisco, discussing bilateral trade issues
Published: Nov 16, 2023 06:34 PM Updated: Nov 16, 2023 06:32 PM
The Ministry of Commerce Photo: VCG

The Ministry of Commerce Photo: VCG

China is willing to work with the US to actively implement the consensus reached during the latest round of China-US economic and trade dialogue, and inject more certainty into China-US cooperation, while upholding the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on Thursday.

"We have said many times that a sound and stable China-US economic and trade relationship benefits both China and the US and the world at large. 'Decoupling' and supply chain break-up run counter to the fundamental interests of the two countries," He Yadong, a spokesperson for MOFCOM, told a regular press conference on Thursday.

The spokesperson said that the MOFCOM will implement the important consensus reached by the presidents of China and the US in San Francisco on Wednesday, and will strive to promote healthy and stable development of bilateral economic and trade relations, and inject more stability into the global economy.

He Yadong, a spokesperson of China's Ministry of Commerce, on November 16, 2023 Photo: Chi Jingyi/GT

He Yadong, a spokesperson of China's Ministry of Commerce, on November 16, 2023 Photo: Chi Jingyi/GT

On the sidelines of the annual APEC meeting, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao will hold talks with his US counterpart Gina Raimondo to discuss the implementation of the important consensus reached between Chinese and US presidents, as well as the resolution of important issues in bilateral economic and trade relations, He said.

Global Times