Night school new fad in cities
Trend reflects growing demand for cultural education
Published: Jan 02, 2024 11:17 PM
Photo: VCG

Photo: VCG

Amid the "night school craze" that has gained ground since the second half of 2023, Soochow University in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu Province announced the establishment of a night school on January 2, offering a total of 29 courses.

The night school at Soochow University is open to adults aged 18 to 55 and covers a wide range of fields, including dance, singing, calligraphy, beauty, yoga, photography, as well as unique offerings such as pyrography, local dialect, and digital transformation basics, with the lowest course fee starting at just 500 yuan ($70).

The university noted that the establishment of a night school focuses on meeting the social demands of young adults for stress relief, socialization, and self-improvement. 

Night schools, a form of education utilizing evening hours for education, gained popularity among young people in the 1980s. However, with the expansion of higher education and the development of information technology, night schools gradually faded from the public eye.

Since the second half of 2023, night schools have seen renewed interest, particularly in cultural departments or through grassroots initiatives, with no comprehensive action from the education authorities. 

Liu Guangming, former dean of the School of Continuing Education, Henan University of Technology in Zhengzhou, told the Global Times on Tuesday that the evening courses offered by nongovernmental organizations are various, but the quality of the courses is indeed uneven. 

In contrast, the evening courses offered by colleges and universities are more professional and systematic as they are taught by college teachers.

"Many colleges of continuing education offer evening classes not to earn financial profit, but to expand their influence and reputation, so the prices for courses are not expensive," he said.

Experts suggest that the resurgence of the "night school craze" reflects the strong demand among middle-aged and young adults for artistic education, signaling a desire to enhance their spiritual enjoyment. 

The enthusiasm for night schools among young people signifies a bid for both spiritual fulfillment and the preservation of cultural heritage.

The Jinan Library, billed as the first night school in Jinan, capital of East China's Shandong Province, launched its first evening classes on December 18, 2023. 

After posting a questionnaire on social media on November 16 to acquire suggestions and options for evening classes and receiving nearly 3,000 replies, it now offers a short video-making course, intangible cultural heritage handicraft classes, makeup classes, as well as the workplace skills courses such as office software training and writing. 

Although registration was set up for one week, classes were snapped up in less than 50 seconds, according to Li Dehu, the official in charge of the night school.

Unlike business night schools, ­Jinan night school offers highly qualified teachers, who are the doyens in their fields, to ensure course quality, Li told the Global Times, adding that, "The school invites inheritors of intangible cultural heritage to teach students, and the teachers are mostly from Jinan's universities. " 

Low tuition is a highlight of the night school, charging only 20 yuan per class and also providing after-school counseling.