11-year-old girl from East China's Jiangsu Province wins national golf championship
Published: Jan 18, 2024 02:45 PM
11-year-old girl from East China's Jiangsu Province wins national golf championship Photo: Screenshot from Litchi Starting Line

11-year-old girl from East China's Jiangsu Province wins national golf championship Photo: Screenshot from Litchi Starting Line

An elementary school student surnamed Xie in Suzhou, East China's Jiangsu Province, won the championship in the 2023 national amateur golf elite tournament, setting the best record in the history of junior golf in Suzhou, media reported on Tuesday.

Xie's father said that the competition was fierce and lasted for a long time. Xie said that her original goal was to finish in the top four, but she was very excited when she won the championship. "Although the competition lasted long, I was in good physical condition," the girl said.

Xie started playing golf at the age of four and now practices nearly 20 hours of golf skills training and three to four hours of physical training every week. Xie said that every time she holds a golf club, she feels delighted. "I hope to achieve better results in the future," Xie said.

The principal of the elementary school surnamed Xu said that the school actively provides various platforms for students to promote their all-round development. Netizens praised the girl for her achievement at such a young age and wished her greater progress in the future.

Global Times