Developing relations with China a top priority and strategic choice: Vietnamese Ambassador
Published: Jan 23, 2024 06:45 PM
Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu (left) and Vietnamese Ambassador to China Pham Sao Mai attend the reception to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Vietnam in Beijing on January 22, 2024. Photo: Yang Hengrui/GT

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu (left) and Vietnamese Ambassador to China Pham Sao Mai attend the reception to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Vietnam in Beijing on January 22, 2024. Photo: Yang Hengrui/GT

 "Vietnam has always regarded the development of relations with China as a top priority and strategic choice," said Vietnamese Ambassador to China Pham Sao Mai on Monday.

Vietnam is willing to cooperate closely with China, continue to promote exchanges and cooperation at all levels, comprehensively and effectively implement the consensus reached by the top leaders of both parties and countries, and enhance political mutual trust, said the Vietnamese Ambassador at a reception held by the Vietnamese Embassy in Beijing to celebrate the 74th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu also attended the event. 

On January 18, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang reiterated a similar stance at a reception hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam to mark the anniversary.

During Monday's event in Beijing, Pham said that Vietnam aims to promote cooperation with China in various fields, expand and enhance the cooperation benefits in areas such as economy, trade, investment, tourism and people-to-people exchanges.

The two sides will properly handle relevant differences on the basis of respecting each other's legitimate interests and abiding by the international laws, in order to contribute to regional peace, stability, cooperation and development, said the Vietnamese diplomat. 

"Amidst the increasing complexity and uncertainty of the international situation, the Vietnam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership has developed in a stable manner and achieved significant, profound and comprehensive development," Pham said.