A woman wearing traditional Punjabi attire works on a spinning wheel during a fair celebrating the Baisakhi festival at a college in Amritsar district of India's northern Punjab state, April 9, 2024. Baisakhi is one of the most popular festivals celebrated in the Indian state of Punjab to mark the harvest.(Photo: Xinhua)
Women wearing traditional Punjabi attire sing folk songs during a fair celebrating the Baisakhi festival at a college in Amritsar district of India's northern Punjab state, April 9, 2024. Baisakhi is one of the most popular festivals celebrated in the Indian state of Punjab to mark the harvest.(Photo: Xinhua)
A woman wearing traditional Punjabi attire is pictured on a swing during a fair celebrating the Baisakhi festival at a college in Amritsar district of India's northern Punjab state, April 9, 2024. Baisakhi is one of the most popular festivals celebrated in the Indian state of Punjab to mark the harvest.(Photo: Xinhua)
A woman wearing traditional Punjabi attire works on a spinning wheel during a fair celebrating the Baisakhi festival at a college in Amritsar district of India's northern Punjab state, April 9, 2024. Baisakhi is one of the most popular festivals celebrated in the Indian state of Punjab to mark the harvest.(Photo: Xinhua)