‘Books’ more engaging and inspiring than digital ‘screens’
Balancing choices
Published: Apr 25, 2024 08:37 PM
Editor's Note:

"Read ten thousand books, and your pen will be guided as if by the gods" is an ancient Chinese idiom that can be seen in students' textbooks. China's Ministry of Education has published an action plan to further promote reading among students across the nation. With new and diverse book recommendations, the reading scene is expected to be revived not only at schools, but also across society. To contribute to this endeavor, the Global Times launched "My Reading Life" essay contest for middle school students.

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Hello everyone, my name is Pu Zhao and I'm honored to participate in the second "My Reading Life" book-sharing event, "Spring Reading." Launched by the Global Times, the event is such a great opportunity for me as a student representative speaking at the event. 

Today, I want to discuss a topic about how we make choices between "books" and "screens" that represent the wide range of digital entertainment mediums. 

A puzzle 

I remembered when I was a child, whenever our teachers or parents asked about our hobbies, my friends and I would always express our love for reading.

However, with the development of high technology, I sense our lives are gradually occupied by a variety of entertainment methods. Electronic screens of all sizes are everywhere, and they attract our attention like magnets and gradually distance us from the world of books. 

Today's dazzling social media, the excitement of games, movies, TV shows and animated works satisfy our sensory needs, stimulating us to a point that sometimes we forget to eat or sleep. 

However, this happiness is ephemeral, leaving behind the desire to want more dopamine stimulation. As a result, many people no longer have the patience to experience the "delayed gratification" that comes from reading. 

I have had the same experience before. There was a time when I felt like my life went downhill, and with increased pressure from school, physical fatigue and emotional burdens, I had to scroll through short videos to distract myself from those troubles. 

It is said that the goal of short video creators is to capture the audience's attention in three seconds. They, like conspirators, have a clear understanding of my preferences and viewing habits, and accurately feed their noisy videos on my mobile screen. 

Like millions of other users, I am controlled by the algorithm. Whether I am at home, at school, or on the go, I am constantly being taken on a sensory roller coaster ride by short videos, which leaves me feeling both physically and mentally exhausted.

New change 

This situation changed when one day I stumbled upon a book called The Grapes of Wrath by US writer John Steinbeck. 

When I opened the cover and started reading, I felt like being hit hard on my head. I was attracted by the wonderful story and beautiful writing as if I was in the world presented by the author.

Although I discovered the characters in the book faced severe survival challenges, they still strived to live in adversity and strive for their dreams. This tenacious spirit deeply inspired me, allowing me to gradually regain my confidence in the future. 

Now I carry this book with me either at the dining table or during school breaks. I immerse myself in it, feeling the joy and sorrow, love and hate in the book. 

As a student who has a dream of making films, this book also gave me creative inspiration. The historical scenes depicted in the book and the profound human nature revealed within opened a door to the hall of art for me, allowing me to understand that reading can not only soothe the soul, but also spark creativity. 

I believe I will firmly continue on the path to filmmaking. 

However, when I look around, I find that many people have not been as lucky to find pleasure in reading. They gradually moved away from reading, either due to school pressure or the temptation of the virtual world.

Some parents have misunderstandings about reading, believing that reading books unrelated to schoolwork will delay children's studies. I want to say that reading is not a burden, but nourishment. It can help us learn new knowledge, better understand human nature and other people, love life more, and become mature and wise.

Now, whenever I feel lost, I will come back to my desk and find a book to read. I know that opening a book can always bring me peace of mind. Reading also makes me believe that I'm a very special being who can pursue my own dreams. 

Reading has made me realize that difficulties and problems are temporary, while the human pursuit of happiness is a common endeavor. The common appreciation of kindness and beauty have led me to discovering a true philosophy of life.  

I believe that there are countless people in history who have pondered changes in life. I have thought about them too. I believe those people's wisdom and experiences can become the source of one book after another. Books to me are the common spiritual wealth for all human beings. 

Why should we ever to choose to ignore such treasures? Finally, I would like to appeal to my peers to protect our eyes and minds, and make wise choices between books and screens.

The author is a student at Dulwich College Beijing