Chinese social media platform bans internet celebrity account for wealth show-offs
Published: May 22, 2024 02:18 PM
Douyin Photo: VCG

Douyin Photo: VCG

A Chinese internet celebrity with the name "Wanghongquanxing" was banned from social media postings on Tuesday amid a crackdown on online wealth show-offs. 

The account, which had 4.374 million followers on, was known for flaunting luxury lifestyle. A screenshot of its profile page showed that the account has been banned on Douyin for violating platform regulations.

The last livestream was showed on March 30, and the celebrity's relevant Weibo account has also been suspended for violating regulations. Additionally, the user is no longer accessible on Little Red Book, another popular social media.

The account was registered by Wang Hongquan, who was born in 1993 in Tangshan city, North China's Hebei Province. Public information revealed that Wang owns four companies in the fields of jewelry, leather goods, and culture. 

As a social media personality, Wang gained fame by showcasing his extravagant lifestyle. He claims to own seven luxurious properties in a small community in Beijing and boasts that he won't leave the house unless he's wearing clothes worth at least "eight figures", meaning more than 10 million yuan. His account also showed a lifestyle of opulence with walls lined with designer handbags and a variety of jade and jewelry.

Some Chinese netizens said that the ban is a relief for them as they have found such wealth show-offs "annoying." 

"Such distorted values would have a negative impact on the younger generation," an internet user on Weibo commented.

"The internet personalities should be regulated properly," commented another internet user.

Other similar internet celebrities, including "Bogongzi" with three million followers and "Baoyujiajie" with two million followers cannot be found on social media, either. "Bogongzi" gained fame for sharing his million-yuan consumption records, while "Baoyujiajie" shared her luxurious jewels.

The ban comes as Chinese social media platforms including Tencent, Douyin, Kuaishou, Weibo, Bilibili and Little Red Book on May 15 jointly issued a statement to crack down on wealth show offs on their platrooms.

Douyin removed 4,701 pieces of inappropriate content and closed 11 accounts from May 1 to May 7. Little Red Book cleaned 4,273 illegal postings and shut down 383 accounts in two weeks. Weibo also took action by removing over 1,100 pieces of harmful content and temporarily shutting down 27 accounts, according to media reports.

In another move, some social media influencers were banned to broadcast near Heze South Railway Station in East China's Shandong Province with eye-catching stunts, which disturbed the normal life of nearby residents. 

In a short period of time, Heze South Railway Station has become a popular destination for internet personalities from all over the country to attract online attention. They sparked controversy by dressing up in bizarre costumes. Some of them dressed up as characters like Monkey King while others performed fashion shows and hot dances. The chaotic livestream shows to gain internet sensation has drawn rising criticism from many netizens.