US security vision, as mirrored in Austin’s speech, is flawed: Chinese lieutenant general
Published: Jun 01, 2024 10:16 PM
Lieutenant General He Lei 
Photo: Courtesy of He Lei

Lieutenant General He Lei Photo: Courtesy of He Lei

The US security vision is a flawed strategic perception, Lieutenant General He Lei, former vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences of the PLA, told the Global Times on Saturday, commenting on US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's speech on Saturday morning at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

The title of Austin's speech, "The New Convergence in the Indo-Pacific," complements his 2023 address titled "United States' Leadership in The Indo-Pacific," forming a comprehensive exposition of the US security perspective, He Lei said. 

He Lei said that Austin's 2023 speech argued that security in the "Indo-Pacific" region can only be achieved through US leadership. How can such leadership be attained? The core of his 2024 speech is that the US aims to achieve leadership in the "Indo-Pacific" region through initiatives such as AUKUS, Quad, military alliances, while also subtly hinting at the creation of an "Indo-Pacific version of NATO." Austin claimed that only through these efforts can true security be realized in the region.

Yet this security vision represents a flawed strategic understanding and misguided perception of security. Instead of fostering security and stability, the US approach to security in the Asia-Pacific region engenders turmoil, conflict, and even war, He Lei stressed.

He Lei's view has been echoed by a number of regional observers who believe creating blocs during times of peace is antithetical to the pursuit of regional stability, as such blocs need a reason for existence and they need conflict to remain relevant. 

"I oppose the mentality expressed by Austin in his speech and vehemently reject the US security outlook," He Lei told the Global Times.

Chinese Defense Minister Admiral Dong Jun will deliver a keynote speech on Sunday morning, expounding on China's global security concept. "It will sharply contrast with the US security perspective. Let's expect our defense minister's speech tomorrow." He Lei noted.