State Grid Xuchang Power Supply Company: Promoting ‘Village Network Co-construction" and Power Supply Service ‘Zero Distance’
Published: Jun 07, 2024 04:08 PM
Photo: Courtesy of State Grid Xuchang Power Supply Company

Photo: Courtesy of State Grid Xuchang Power Supply Company

"Previously, when managing my power connection in our village, we had to drive to a power supply station more than ten kilometers away. Since the establishment of a convenient service point, handling business is now faster and requires less work. It's really convenient!" Bu Genmao, Party secretary of Bugang Village Committee in Mafang town, Yanling county, Henan Province, said on May 19.

Bugang Village in Mafang town, as a service demonstration site for the State Grid Corporation of China's "village network co-construction," has been centered on local economic development since its establishment. State Grid Xuchang Power Supply Company has actively deployed resources, implemented precise policies, and fully connected the "last hundred meters" of power supply services, laying a solid foundation for the implementation of the nation's rural revitalization strategy. The company provides increased convenience to local users through a hybrid of on-site and online power grid representatives. It not only provides convenient services such as grid connection, usage, payment, inquiry, and repair, but also establishes regular contact and linkage with the village committee to help resolve disputes and monitor safety hazards. During the construction process of the demonstration site, the company adhered to the concept of "government-enterprise linkage, co-construction and sharing," actively shouldering the responsibility of "rural revitalization of electricity first," established a new "2+2" negotiation service model between the power supply company and township governments, power supply stations, and village committees, and strengthened cooperation in power grid planning and construction, power facility protection, and electricity dispute resolution. At the same time, focusing on the "government-enterprise grid integration" service, the new site will create a deep integration and linkage model of "power grid+rural grid," establish a service zone, set in place a regular communication mechanism between one power grid server and one village committee liaison, accurately push power use reminders, fault handling, policy promotion, and other information to users, and achieve the integration of power supply services and grassroots governance. Since the establishment of the demonstration site, the company has received 138 service applications from villagers, distributed more than 800 safety electricity knowledge leaflets, and helped villagers eliminate 67 electricity safety hazards.

Photo: Courtesy of State Grid Xuchang Power Supply Company

Photo: Courtesy of State Grid Xuchang Power Supply Company

Looking ahead, the State Grid Xuchang Power Supply Company will focus on the new developments,  situations, and new electricity needs to support rural development, continuously deepen and expand the "village grid co-construction" service model, enrich the content of convenient electricity services, extend rural power supply service channels, and actively innovate and create efficiency based on regional realities, striving to create a new pattern of co-construction, co-governance, and sharing between the power grid and village grid. (Jiao Yongsheng, Tian Haitao)