Man accused of using AI to create fake nude photos, sparking discussion online
Published: Jun 18, 2024 11:04 PM
Bai’s case is heard at Beijing Haidian District People's Court on April 19, 2024. Photo: Beijing Haidian District People's Court

Bai’s case is heard at Beijing Haidian District People's Court on April 19, 2024. Photo: Beijing Haidian District People's Court

A male suspect surnamed Bai has been accused of using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to create nearly 7,000 fake nude photos involving female students and teachers, which he sold for 1.5 yuan ($0.25) each. The topic has gained more than 70 million views on Sina Weibo on Tuesday, with netizens calling for more rational use of AI technology, and harsher punishments for those who misuse it.  

Bai is suspected of using AI software to create and sell pornographic content for profit and Beijing Haidian District People's Court heard the case on April 19. It was the first case at the court involving the use of AI to produce pornographic material.

“AI is a double-edged sword. When utilized correctly, it can bring numerous benefits to society. However, in the wrong hands, AI can easily be used to break laws and cause harm, such as copyright infringement,” one netizen wrote in a post on Sina Weibo on Tuesday.

Another netizen wrote that he agreed with strict punishment in such cases. “AI technology is for driving technological development, not a lawless territory for outlaws.”

The prosecution accuses Bai of posting "AI stripping" adverts on the internet from June to August 2023. Bai used deepfake technology and AI software to create nude images of people, mostly women, by using facial information, and then sold them for profit. Bai also sold AI stripping software. An investigation revealed that Bai had sold over 6,000 images on social media, with over 1,500 images deemed obscene, according to the court.

Bai should be held criminally responsible for producing and selling obscene materials for profit and should also bear civil liability for abuse of people’s personal information and for harming the public interest, the court said. Bai pleaded guilty and made a statement of repentance, according to the court.