Justice and diplomacy join forces to defend national unity
Published: Jun 22, 2024 09:31 PM

Illustration:Chen Xia/GT

Illustration:Chen Xia/GT

On Friday, China's justice and diplomatic government bodies simultaneously released a strong signal to uphold national unity. The Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security, and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued guidelines on imposing criminal punishments on diehard "Taiwan independence" separatists for conducting or inciting secession.

On the same day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced countermeasures against US company Lockheed Martin Corporation and its senior executives. These two measures issued on the same day reflect China's high degree of coordination and resolute action in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, demonstrating China's firm stance and strong capabilities in the fields of justice and diplomacy to the international community.

The issuance of the guidelines represents an important milestone in China's legal development. The guidelines clearly define and set sentencing standards for the criminal acts of "Taiwan independence" stubborn figures splitting the country and inciting the splitting of the country, providing clear guidance and legal basis for judicial organs.

The guidelines embody precise strikes against stubborn "Taiwan independence" figures but also show the rigidity and determination of Chinese law through heavier penalties for aggravating circumstances, an unlimited statute of limitations, and heavier punishment for crimes which include colluding with foreign forces. 

At the same time, the principle of combining severity with leniency in the guidelines reflects the justice and humanization of the rule of law, as well as the educational and salvaging function on of criminal justice, punishing criminals severely and showing tolerance to those who cooperate with authorities.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' countermeasures against Lockheed Martin Corporation are a direct response to the recent announcement by the US relating to new plans to sell weapons to Taiwan, which seriously violates the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiqués, interferes in China's internal affairs, and severely damages China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. In accordance with the relevant provisions of China's Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law, China has decided to take countermeasures against Lockheed Martin Corporation's related entities and senior executives, including freezing assets, prohibiting transactions, and refusing to issue visas. 

This fully demonstrates China's firm determination to uphold its core national interests within the framework of international law, sending a strong signal to the international community that China firmly opposes foreign interference in its internal affairs and defends national sovereignty.

The issuance of the two documents on the same day is by no means a coincidence but a clear demonstration of the Chinese government's coordinated efforts in the fields of justice and diplomacy to safeguard national unity. On the one hand, by severely punishing "Taiwan independence" stubborn elements through criminal justice, China is upholding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. On the other hand, through diplomatic means, China resolutely counters foreign interference in its internal affairs. These two measures complement each other, jointly constructing a dual defense line of justice and diplomacy to safeguard national unity.

From the perspective of international law, China's countermeasures fully comply with well-established principles, especially the principle of sovereign equality in the United Nations Charter. China has the right to take necessary measures to protect its national sovereignty and territorial integrity from infringement, which is an inherent right granted by international law to every country. Through judicial and diplomatic means, China not only defends its own national interests but also sets an example for the international community to uphold international order and fairness.

The two major measures taken by China in the fields of justice and diplomacy simultaneously are important steps in defending national sovereignty and territorial integrity and promoting the cause of national unity. They not only send a clear and stern warning to stubborn "Taiwan independence" elements but also indicate that the Chinese government has taken a solid step in safeguarding the path to national unity, undoubtedly contributing to the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and making a positive contribution to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits.