New research center a response to GCI
Published: Jun 23, 2024 10:44 PM

Illustration: Tang Tengfei/Global Times

Illustration: Tang Tengfei/Global Times

The 78th United Nations General Assembly has recently unanimously passed a resolution proposed by China to establish June 10 as the International Day of Dialogue among Civilizations. 

To celebrate the first iteration of the day, on June 10 representatives from Hungary and China unveiled the China-Hungary Joint Research Center for Exchanges and Mutual Learning between Civilizations in Budapest, Hungary. 

The center was established by Renmin University of China and Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE) of Hungary. 

Over the weekend, the Global Times talked with Zheng Xinye, vice president of Renmin University of China, who shared his opinion concerning the significance of the newly established research center. 

Zheng noted that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (in October 1949) and also the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. Hungary was one of the first countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with China and was the first European country to sign an intergovernmental cooperation document with China on the construction of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 

In May, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Hungary, and the heads of the two countries jointly announced the upgrading of China-Hungary relations to a new era of all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership, leading the relationship into a new "golden voyage" and setting an example for the world on how to establish a new form of international relations. 

According to Zheng, Renmin University of China "stands out in the field of humanities and social sciences," while the University of ELTE is one of the most academically prestigious universities in Hungary as well as in Central and Eastern Europe. The two universities have long cultivated many pillars in the development of engineering, trade and culture of the two countries. 

The establishment of the China-Hungary Joint Research Center for Exchanges and Mutual Learning between Civilizations is not only an important measure to implement the results of the meeting between the two heads of state but also an important platform to witness and continue the friendship between China and Hungary. 

Through academic exchanges and cultural interactions, it gathers academic strength for the exchanges and mutual learning between the civilizations of China and Hungary and jointly serves to propel China-Hungary relations to a new level.

Zheng pointed out that the current world is intertwined with multiple challenges and crises, with the resurgence of Cold War mentality, the prevalence of geopolitical pan-ideologization, and the resurgence of the concepts of "the superiority of certain civilizations and clashes between civilizations." Whether countries are heading toward conflict and confrontation or common prosperity, and whether history is regressing or progressing, largely depends on how we view and handle the differences between different civilizations. 

Faced with this major challenge, Chinese President Xi proposed a Chinese plan to eliminate the estrangement of civilizations and promote the common progress of different civilizations - the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI). The initiative calls for respect for the diversity of world civilizations, promotion of the common values of all mankind, increased attention toward the inheritance and innovation of civilizations, strengthening international cultural exchanges and cooperation, and encouraging mutual understanding and affection among people of various countries.

The establishment of the research center is a strong measure to implement the GCI and a positive response to the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly to establish the International Day of Dialogue among Civilizations, injecting new vitality into cultural exchanges and cooperation between the two countries on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary.

The joint research center is committed to playing a leading role in the study of civilization issues and cooperation between Chinese and Hungarian universities and publishing houses. 

At the same time, the center will promote student exchange visits between the two universities and contribute to the recruitment of students studying in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe for Renmin University of China, while integrating alumni resources in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe.

In terms of the study of civilizations, the center will organize thematic forums, a series of lectures, seminars, workshops, symposiums, and annual meetings between China and Hungary and conduct research and discussions on major theoretical issues with the goal of forming systematic and diversified results.

The center will also strengthen academic translation and publishing cooperation through the center, promote the two-way dissemination of high-quality academic and cultural achievements, and promote in-depth cooperation between China and Hungary in academic translation and publishing.

In addition, the center will carry on mutual teaching, scientific research cooperation, academic visits, and professional exchanges between teachers and educational administrators. It will send outstanding teachers to cultivate a group of future academic leaders in the humanities and social sciences who have global vision and a deep understanding of the history and national conditions of China and Hungary.   

Global Times