Event promotes healthy low-carbon lifestyle
Published: Jun 24, 2024 09:36 PM
Photo: Courtesy of the event organizer

Photo: Courtesy of the event organizer

A new event that calls for a low-carbon life through various actions was held in Beijing on Friday, aiming to encourage enterprises and citizens to adjust air conditioners to 26 C in summer, practice green and healthy production and lifestyles, and help achieve the goal of carbon neutrality.   

At the event, dances, sand painting, cross talk and other forms of artistic expression were used to convey green, low-carbon, energy-saving and emission reduction concepts to the public and advocate turning up the air conditioning by one degree in summer to practice green and healthy living.

Zhang Yuxuan, an engineer at the State Grid Beijing Electric Power Research Institute, said that when an air conditioner runs 24 hours a day in the summer, setting it one degree higher can save about 4.5 kilowatt hours of electricity. Air conditioners should be set to 26 C, at which the human body feels the most comfortable.

A short video created using AI and themed on low-carbon lifestyles was also released at the event. 

Similar events are also set to be held in other places like school campuses, supermarkets and communities across the city.