Intl participants eye China’s potential AI opportunities at 2024 Summer Davos
Published: Jun 25, 2024 08:46 PM
Photo: A participant of the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as Summer Davos, delivers a speech at a session on June 25, 2024 in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province. Photo: Tao Mingyang/GT

Photo: A participant of the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as Summer Davos, delivers a speech at a session on June 25, 2024 in Dalian, Northeast China's Liaoning Province. Photo: Tao Mingyang/GT

International politicians, business leaders, scholars attach have attached heightened importance to the progress of the artificial intelligence (AI) during the 15th Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as Summer Davos, aiming to get further involved as China takes the lead in the sector.

Forum participants said that China is playing an increasingly important role in developing AI as well as other related technologies, and it will help the world to conduct the technology innovation and energy transition. 

Kishor Patil, CEO of Indian KPIT Technologies, praised the competitiveness of Chinese AI companies, noting that China's fast-growing market has generated condition for the nation's AI technology. 

When addressing future cooperation and complementarity between China and India in terms of AI development, Patil said that it is helpful for Indian AI researchers to learn from Chinese AI companies, and that Indian companies are willing to take competitive Chinese AI technologies out of the country and develop globally. 

Mona Demaidi,chairperson of Intersect Innovation Hub, Bank of Palestine Group, told the Global Times on Tuesday that China is leading in AI-related data processing and computing power, which has become the country's unique competitiveness in the field. 

From autopilot to applications in biotechnology, a total of 26 sessions under the topic of "Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI" are included in the three-day forum, the Global Times learnt. 
During a session themed "What can AI Assistants Do?", Darko Matovski, founder and CEO of causaLens - a UK based AI start-up - said that there's tremendous opportunity to use AI and that AI agents could completely transform decision-making in society, which will lead to more equitable, more efficient, better societies, adding that the huge opportunity can also create GDP growth and better distribution. 

In terms of China's advantages in applying AI in consumption and industry and other realistic scenarios, Liu Jiren, chairman of Chinese software developer Neusoft, said during the session that the advantages are benefited from large volume of data in specific fields of healthcare and population management. 

Liu noted that the current trend is that the algorithm and computing power are becoming increasingly economic in China. "China's leading position in some areas of AI is not just about the technology itself, but is more about the overall comprehensive environment of the technology applied to," he noted.

Among a list of Top 10 Emerging Technologies of 2024 released on the first day of the Summer Davos, "AI for scientific discovery" ranked first. 
Breakthroughs in AI - such as deep learning, generative AI and other foundation models - enable scientists to make discoveries that would have been near-impossible otherwise and accelerate the rate of scientific discovery more broadly, said the report. 
The report also calls efforts in countering ethical considerations and challenges, such as uncertain reliability of model-generated content, property rights protection and ethical use of data.