Indian vlogger welcome to learn about China
Published: Jul 02, 2024 11:23 PM
Since China has gradually implemented a visa-free entry policy to embrace overseas tourists from countries like Italy, France and New Zealand, such a friendly gesture has led "China Travel" to become a new trend in the current global tourist industry. The country is always willing to embrace foreign tourists who are prone to dive into the authentic and indigenous local cultures. 
Illustration: Liu Xiangya/GT

Illustration: Liu Xiangya/GT

While many foreign tourists gain new experiences from interacting with local Chinese people, they also bring their own cultures to China. Such mutual communication can ignite cross-cultural sparks, but somehow can also give rise to culture shock. 

Recently, an Indian vlogger's China tour videos caused heated discussions online. Some of her actions, although questionable, inspire people to think that hearty communication and sincerity can break barriers regardless of people's different cultural backgrounds.

Hopping on a passer-by's scooter without the owner's permission marks only one highlight of the improper behavior from Indian vlogger Jyoti Malhotra's recent travel videos posted on YouTube.

The online star's channel has a video series called "Indian girl in China" that shows Malhotra's travel in China and experiencing China's modern achievements, like the bullet train and fashion shops in cities like Shanghai and Taizhou, Zhejiang Province.

Her China-themed videos are loved by many of her followers, yet what appears to be even more "appealing" is the vlogger's mannerisms, which, however, can sometimes make one frown.

She has blatantly pointed her fingers at strangers' faces multiple times, gotten on buses without paying, walked into shops and started conversations in English while complaining that not everyone speaks the foreign language. 

While her videos don't constitute ill intentions toward China, such behaviors sparked criticism from some netizens. On YouTube, a South Korean netizen used words like "recklessness" and "ignorance" to describe Malhotra's actions. On Sina Weibo, another one said she was "not aware of the importance of humbleness to a new culture." 

Experts said she is not alone in the somewhat discourteous behavior. "Lacking etiquette in a new culture" is exactly the problem, cultural sociologist Xu Shuming told the Global Times. 

Judging by her videos, the vlogger actually praised China on many levels, especially its modernity, mobility and greenness.

Her videos exhibit the diverse life landscapes of China. They have not only intrigued overseas watchers, but also Chinese followers who have reposted her videos on Chinese sites like Sina Weibo and lifestyle-sharing microblog Xiaohongshu. 

It is clear that the vlogger is interested in Chinese culture, but her behavior shows that she has not figured out a way to fit into it. 

Some netizens said she might not have realized her actions were sometimes disrespectful since she hadn't fully realized that this cultural environment was very different from her root culture.

How can a traveler like her adapt quickly to a new environment? The answer to this question can be seen in how local Chinese people reacted to her. 

While startled, the Chinese scooter lady didn't reject the vlogger but kindly took her for a short ride. Despite speaking no English, shop workers used mobile translator apps to answer her questions. A young Chinese lady gave a paid city bike to the vlogger because she saw that Malhotra was a foreigner who was not familiar with digital payment system. 

The kind, friendly and embracing nature of Chinese ordinary people is fully shown in Malhotra's videos.

"We travel to learn the differences between cultures, and such differences are mirrors telling us who we are and who we are not," Xu told the Global Times. 

"China would not be my first travel destination if I hadn't seen her videos. I can't believe Chinese people are this kind and generous to strangers," a netizen posted on YouTube. 

Thanks to the many incoming foreign visitors to China, the friendly nature of Chinese people is increasingly seen by global viewers, breaking the stereotypes long erected by biased Western corporate media.

However, observers said people still need to be warned about improper tourist behaviors for two reasons. 

Firstly, more and more vloggers now are using shady ways like insulting people and creating social chaos to hype up their fame globally. Such an unhealthy show biz mentality must be rejected by society. 

Secondly, as China is becoming a hot travel destination following friendly tourist policies, effective measures need to be enforced to safeguard both locals and travelers' experiences in the country.

The author is a reporter with the Global Times.