Culture Beat: Beijing Dance Academy to promote 70 dramas
Published: Jul 08, 2024 10:32 PM
Photo: Courtesy of Beijing Dance Academy

Photo: Courtesy of Beijing Dance Academy

The Beijing Dance Academy recently held a ceremony at the Black Box Theater to promote 70 excellent dramas for its 70th anniversary. Representatives from 15 performance troupes nationwide attended the event. The initiative aims to uphold the spirit of the Beijing Dance Academy, advance the development of a world-class dance college with Chinese characteristics, and promote the widespread dissemination of 70 selected productions through licensing.  

The selected productions include classic works from the academy's history and recent small and medium-sized original works. Secretary of the Party Committee of the college Ba Tu stated that the cooperation marks a new means of innovative collaboration between the academy and performance troupes, and  expressed his hope that this partnership will allow original productions to flourish across the country.

This event was not only a review of the academy's 70 years of artistic creation, but also a showcase of the future prosperity and development of dance. By showcasing the academy's creative achievements and sharing accumulated creativity, the academy aims to integrate high-quality resources, foster talent growth with a strategic vision, and collectively promote the dance industry.