China’s state security authorities warn foreign spy agencies of stealing core scientific research outcomes
Published: Jul 21, 2024 02:39 PM
Chinese Ministry of State Security

Chinese Ministry of State Security

China's Ministry of State Security called on citizens to increase their awareness of security precautions and protect national security in a short film based on a true story about a foreign espionage agency which leveraged a researcher's position to steal the nation's core scientific research achievements through various clandestine means.

The Windmill Code, a microfilm based on a true story, describes how the national security authorities discovered an espionage activity overseas.

Chen Xue, a spy from abroad claiming to be the head of a consulting firm, struck up a conversation with the victim Yang Jian, a researcher at a national scientific institution, at a technological exhibition.

Chen gave Yang a "windmill" as a token and expressed a desire to make friends with him after having such a pleasant talk with him, feeling as though she had met her family.

The victim was captivated by Chen's beauty and was emotionally touched by her, then they quickly fell in love.

Chen claimed that she had come back to China to pursue her career, and that her company was in need of expanding business and developing greater market access. But as she was not an expert in Chinese technology, she hoped that Yang would provide some references.

Yang did whatever she requested, catering to all her needs, so he gave Chen instant access to classified documents he had downloaded from his institution.

A half-month later, Chen told Yang that she wanted more detailed information about the data.

Under Chen's compulsion, Yang once again lost himself and sent copies of sensitive materials to Chen without permission.

After Yang offered his office's top-secret documents to Chen, he was engulfed in a nightmare. He dreamed that Chen asked him for classified documents over and over again, which eventually led to his arrest by the national security authorities.

Under the pressure of the law and family care, Yang phoned the national security authorities to turn himself in willingly and honestly, confessing the fact that he had illegally delivered sensitive materials to Chen.

With Yang's cooperation, national security authorities successfully solved the espionage case by arresting Chen, a member of an overseas espionage intelligence agency.

National security authorities, in compliance with the applicable laws, imposed administrative penalties in line with the law in light of his self-surrender and commendable performance.

Such microfilms serve as reminders from China's Ministry of State Security to the public, especially research academics in national core fields, that any foreign espionage should be reported by all means as soon as possible.

Global Times