Lai Ching-te's wrongful claim again reveals stubborn position on 'Taiwan independence': Taiwan Affairs Office
Published: Jul 23, 2024 01:05 AM
Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office Photo:VCG

Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office Photo:VCG

Taiwan regional leader Lai Ching-te's blatant clamor for the establishment of a so-called "national identity centered on Taiwan," has once again exposed his true colors of stubbornly adhering to the position of "Taiwan independence" and carrying out separatist activities for "Taiwan independence," Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, said on Monday.

Although the two sides of the Straits have yet to achieve complete reunification, China's sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided, and will never be divided. Taiwan has never been a country and will never be one, Chen said.

Both sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one China, and people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all Chinese, sharing the same bloodline, culture and history. In the long history of the Chinese nation, Chinese people jointly established the territory of motherland which includes Taiwan, wrote the history of China, created the Chinese culture and fostered its national character, and Chinese people on both sides of the Straits have always been one family, Chen said.

The DPP authorities have ignored history, facts and public opinion, stubbornly stuck to the separatist position of "Taiwan independence," and refused to accept the one-China principle, Chen said, adding that they deceived the people of Taiwan island, incited hatred toward the Chinese mainland, obstructed and undermined cross-Straits exchanges, cooperation and integration, which has caused tensions in cross-Straits relations, jeopardized peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits and harmed the interests of compatriots on both sides.

Compatriots on both sides of the Straits should unite, fully recognize the nature and danger of the separatist forces of "Taiwan independence" and their activities, and resolutely oppose the provocative acts of "Taiwan independence" by Lai Ching-te and the DPP authorities in the interest of the nation's righteousness, Taiwan island's future and the well-being of compatriots, Chen said.

Chen added that compatriots from both sides of the Straits should also actively participate in the just cause of promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland and create a better future for the great rejuvenation of China.

Global Times