Wang Yi to visit Myanmar, Thailand amid tensions in South China Sea
Published: Aug 13, 2024 06:22 PM
Wang Yi Photo:

Wang Yi Photo:

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay a visit to Myanmar and then to Thailand to chair the Ninth Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Foreign Ministers' Meeting from Wednesday to Saturday, during which he will also attend an Informal Discussion Between the Foreign Ministers of China, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday. 

Elaborating on the expectations for this year's LMC meeting, the Ministry spokesperson said that the LMC is an innovative regional cooperation mechanism among China, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam based on collaboration, consultation and shared benefit. 

Since its launch in 2016, the mechanism has delivered significant results, contributing effectively to the economic and social development of the six Lancang-Mekong countries, and delivering tangible benefits to their peoples.

In recent years, under the strategic guidance of Chinese President Xi Jinping and leaders of the Mekong countries, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam have each announced jointly with China the building of a community with a shared future, both bilaterally with China and multilaterally under the LMC mechanism. 

"China hopes to work with the Mekong countries to review the progress of cooperation, take stock of past experience, and plan for next steps to advance LMC, so as to build the Lancang-Mekong region into an exemplar for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, a pacesetter for implementing the Global Development Initiative, a pioneer for implementing the Global Security Initiative and a frontrunner for implementing the Global Civilization Initiative, and form an even closer community with a shared future for Lancang-Mekong countries," the spokesperson said. 

On the sidelines of the LMC meeting, at the invitation of Thailand, Wang will attend the Informal Discussion Between the Foreign Ministers of China, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand to exchange views on the regional situation, jointly combating cross-border crimes and other issues, according to the ministry. 

Regarding China's top diplomat's upcoming trip to Myanmar, the spokesperson said the visit is aimed at deepening bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, cementing the close bond of friendship between the two peoples, and advancing the building of a China-Myanmar community with a shared future. 

As a friendly neighbor of Myanmar, China strictly follows the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, supports Myanmar's effort to uphold stability, grow the economy and improve people's livelihood, and provides constructive help for parties in Myanmar to properly address differences through political consultation within the framework of the constitution and other laws, according to the spokesperson. 

Wang's visit to Southeast Asia comes amid heightened tensions between Beijing and Manila over the latter's continuous provocation in the South China Sea. 

On August 8, despite China's goodwill efforts to calm recent tensions, the Philippines dispatched an military aircraft to illegally enter the airspace over China's Huangyan Dao (also known as Huangyan Island) in the South China Sea, and issuing a complaint later on August 10 over the professional and legitimate actions by the Southern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) in response to its intrusion.

Chinese military experts have slammed the Philippines' latest actions, calling them "a petty attempt to constantly bolster Manila's victimhood narrative" in the South China Sea. Observers have repeatedly warned Manila should be aware of the danger of being manipulated by the US to disrupt the stability and peace of the region.

Global Times