A ‘true green power model village’ creates a new beautiful countryside
Published: Aug 21, 2024 09:39 AM
In August, the Dagu River flows peacefully flanked by the green trees on its solid embankments. Jijiazhuang village, located on the left bank of the Dagu River in Jiaozhou, East China’s Shandong Province, has been awarded the honorary title of “Rural Revitalization Demonstration Village of Shandong Province” due to its beautiful ecology, pleasant environment, and robust economy.

In rural revitalization, electricity comes first. In recent years, the State Grid Jiaozhou Power Supply Company has focused on the high-quality development of county-level distribution networks. Taking the construction of Jijiazhuang’s “Four Modernizations” demonstration village as an opportunity, it has shown its progress by focusing on four main areas: green energy supply, intensive photovoltaic development, standardized power grid construction, and electrification of production and life.

Additionally, the Jiaozhou company has established an operational model characterized by “government leadership, state-owned enterprise investment, and power supply participation,” effectively managing photovoltaic systems. This model has also improved the ability of distributed photovoltaics to participate in grid peak regulation and demand response, thereby optimizing overall efficiency and benefits for the power system.

During the project implementation, the Jiaozhou company closely aligned with local ecological and economic development needs, guiding the city-wide photovoltaic development toward centralized village-scale projects. This created a tripartite cooperation model, achieving a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Today, Jijiazhuang village thrives thanks to prosperous industries, affluent residents, and a harmonious rural environment. The village operates entirely on clean, green energy from photovoltaic sources, making it a true “green power village.”