PLA Navy uses warship to transport new students for registration
Published: Aug 21, 2024 08:46 PM
Photo: official WeChat account of news center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)

Photo: official WeChat account of news center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA)

Major Chinese universities have begun their new student orientation programs, but have you ever seen schools using a warship and Y-20 large transport aircraft to send students to school? 

On August 15, some carrier-based aircraft flight students from the Naval Aviation University gathered at a military port in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province. Around 8 am, to the sound of drums, the new students lined up neatly and passed through the "departure gate," boarding the Zhenghe training ship, docked at the pier to travel to school, reported the WeChat account of news center of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA). 

This marks the first time the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy has used a warship to deliver carrier-based aircraft flight students for registration, Guangming Daily reported. 

The Naval Aviation University issued specially designed "tickets" for the new students to commemorate the start of this new journey. 

During the ship crossing, the school also organized deck oaths, ship tours, and other activities, providing the students with a unique "first lesson."

They sailed at sea for a day and night, arriving at Yantai Port before heading to the university for registration. 

Also, from August 1 to 2, the PLA Air Force used multiple Y-20 aircraft to transport newly admitted flight students to the Aviation University of Air Force for registration in six cities including Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Ji'nan and Chengdu, according to CCTV.