State Grid electric power boosts 'hot economy' in Turpan, Xinjiang
Published: Aug 29, 2024 07:49 PM
The unique climatic conditions have made Turpan grapes, Hami melons and other fruits famous at home and abroad. At present, it is the picking season for more than 630,000 mu of grapes in Turpan. 

Recently, employees of Sanbao Township Power Supply Station of State Grid Turpan Electric Power Supply Company came to the ten-thousand-mu high-standard grape planting base in Sanbao township, Gaochang district to assist customers in inspecting power supply lines and electrical equipment.

Turpan is located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent. The extreme high temperature can reach 50 C every year. The annual average precipitation is 16 millimeters and the evaporation is 3,200 millimeters. The annual sunshine hours are 3,200 hours. It is known as Huozhou. High temperature and heat generate abundant light and heat resources. 

In recent years, Turpan has used "thermal resources" to vigorously develop industries such as characteristic agriculture, sand therapy and health preservation, and dry heat tests for automobiles, promoting high-quality development of the local economy. State Grid Turpan Electric Power Supply Company starts from three aspects: building "one network," devoting "one piece of heart," and laying out "one side of green," and provides high-quality services to promote the booming development of Huozhou's "hot economy."

Thanks to the hot and dry climate conditions, the fruits in Turpan accumulate thick and dense sweetness. The air is filled with the sweet aroma of various fruits. Turpan is surrounded by "sweetness" throughout the summer.

In recent years, Turpan has fully utilized the advantage of high temperature to vigorously develop the grape planting industry. By promoting water-saving irrigation, integrated water and fertilizer technology, and etc., it provides scientific planting technical services for grape growers.

Since 2024, State Grid Turpan Electric Power Supply Company has invested more than 300 million yuan to carry out multiple rounds of renovation and upgrading of rural power grid lines. A total of 156.53 kilometers of 10-kilovolt lines and 411 distribution transformers have been newly built and renovated. The power supply quality and reliability have been further improved, injecting strong electric energy into the development of the local traditional "hot economy" industry.

Every summer, as the temperature continues to rise, sand therapy and health care in Turpan also become "hot." In recent years, based on regional characteristics and ethnic customs, Turpan city has been working hard to create a "sand therapy+" development model and build a comprehensive sand therapy industry development complex with "medicine, health care, and tourism" as the core.

In view of the small, scattered and numerous sand therapy industries, the State Grid Turpan Electric Power Supply Company regularly organizes the Party member service team to give full play to the "grid-based" service advantage, regularly carry out electricity safety inspections, and provide "one-on-one" on-site services with the person in charge of the resort to solve customers' electricity problems at any time, accurately provide power supply services for characteristic industries, and help the "sand therapy tourism" continue to heat up.

In July, the Party member service team of State Grid Turpan Electric Power Supply Company assisted sand therapy resorts in rectifying 10 potential safety hazards in electricity use, carried out 7 sessions of safety electricity use knowledge lectures, and distributed more than 300 copies of publicity brochures on safe electricity use and power facility protection.

On July 18, in the national high-temperature dry heat test base located in Turpan, Xinjiang, new models from more than 50 enterprises were exposed to the sun and undergoing high-temperature dry heat tests.

The abundant light and heat resources in Turpan provide natural and excellent conditions for extreme high-temperature vehicle testing. Turpan undertakes more than 95 percent of the hot zone vehicle testing volume in the country.

To meet the rapidly growing charging demand, State Grid Turpan Electric Power Supply Company continuously simplifies the electricity application procedures and speeds up the power connection. 64 new electric vehicle charging piles have been added near the dry and hot natural environment test base. At present, 955 electric vehicle charging piles have been built and put into use in Turpan, realizing full coverage of public charging facilities in towns and townships across the city.