Comprehensive coverage of intelligent UAV inspections for power equipment in Taizhou, Jiangsu
Published: Sep 06, 2024 02:20 PM

Photo: State Grid Taizhou Power Supply Company

Photo: State Grid Taizhou Power Supply Company

As of August 26, State Grid Taizhou Power Supply Company has established 21 fully automated UAV nests in the main urban area of Taizhou, covering an area of nearly 400 square kilometers and achieving full coverage of intelligent UAV inspection for power transmission, transformation, and distribution equipment within the main urban area of Taizhou.

Currently, UAVs have become one of the effective means for inspecting power grid equipment. In the past, pilots would typically carry UAVs to the site for operations, but considering factors such as personnel and vehicle arrangements, equipment endurance, and job transfers, the effective working hours of each pilot group were only around 5 hours per day, making it difficult to fully meet the periodic inspection requirements of multiple disciplines.

Since this year, Taizhou Power Supply has leveraged the technical advantages of grid-based autonomous UAV inspection, optimized the location of nests and autonomous flight routes, and built a "radial" mobile UAV inspection network covering approximately 1,166 kilometers of transmission lines, 1,300 kilometers of distribution lines, and 24 substations.

Now, after initiating automatic inspection, UAVs can automatically execute tasks in the pre-set order without any human intervention throughout the flight operation. They can automatically manage the entire process from takeoff from the nest, operation, return, charging, and data transmission, significantly reducing labor costs.

According to Dai Yongdong, the head of the Intelligent Operation and Inspection Center at Taizhou Power Supply Company, after adopting the fully autonomous nest operation mode, the daily effective working hours of UAVs have reached 12 to 15 hours. Fine-grained inspections of transmission and distribution equipment can be increased from once every quarter to four times a month, and fine-grained inspections of substations can be increased from once every quarter to once every three days, significantly improving the quality and efficiency of equipment inspections.