First electric carbon meter in Xinjiang paves way for precise carbon emission measurement
Published: Sep 25, 2024 09:30 AM
On September 5, State Grid Aksu Power Supply Company announced that the first electric carbon fusion meter (hereinafter referred to as the "electric carbon meter") has been put into operation on the 220kV Baishui substation, making previously invisible carbon emissions visible. This is also the first pilot application and construction of electric carbon sensing and measuring equipment in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The staff of State Grid Aksu Power Supply Company successfully complete the installation of electric carbon meters and collection terminals in the first pilot 220 kV Baishui substation in Xinjiang On August 15, 2024. Photo: Abdulrahman Kurban

The staff of State Grid Aksu Power Supply Company successfully complete the installation of electric carbon meters and collection terminals in the first pilot 220 kV Baishui substation in Xinjiang On August 15, 2024. Photo: Abdulrahman Kurban

The growing demand for carbon emission accounting data has highlighted issues such as slow updates, inconsistent standards, and outdated emission factors in the current system. Given these dynamics, higher requirements have been put forward for the accuracy, timeliness, consistency, comparability, and transparency of carbon emission statistical accounting data. 

On the basis of the existing smart meter architecture, the device can dynamically calculate and update the accurate value of the accurate calculation of carbon emissions per kilowatt hour based on the actual measurement data of the power system. The meter generates both electricity bills and carbon emission reports, offering real-time data on the carbon impact of electricity use. 

This allows companies to better understand and manage their carbon footprint, optimizing energy use accordingly. The device allows for precise management of material deployment in power plants, enabling accurate measurement and breakdown of carbon emissions. 

It can automatically obtain and update meteorological data, taking into account the impact of temperature, season, weather and other factors on new energy generation, laying the foundation for multi-dimensional prediction and accurate release of carbon emission factors.

According to Zhang Yinxiong, a member of the expert team of State Grid Aksu Power Supply Company, the pilot application construction of the system includes 4 source side electric carbon meters, one grid side electric carbon meter, one user side electric carbon meter, and one electric carbon communication terminal. The application of electric carbon sensing and measuring equipment will achieve accurate tracking of carbon emissions following the power flow to the user side, real-time monitoring of carbon emission intensity on the grid side at substations, and attention to the "environmental costs" incurred by various power users due to electricity consumption on the user side, in order to promote low-carbon emission reduction in various industries in an orderly manner. This initiative marks a shift from broad, regional carbon accounting to precise, real-time measurement. It provides essential data to support the region's low-carbon transformation.

State Grid Aksu Power Supply Company will continue to deepen the exploration of the carbon emission measurement technology system in the power system, expand the pilot scope, cover more power sources, user types, and industry types, achieve accurate carbon emission measurement, and promote the practical application of electricity carbon measurement as soon as possible.