GT Podcast with Mulan: US House report hampers China-US academic exchanges; China rolls out policy support to boost economy
Published: Sep 28, 2024 03:29 PM
GT Podcast with Mulan

In today’s podcast:

Chinese observers on Tuesday slammed smears presented in a US House committee report as a cliché that is aimed at stifling China's technological advancement and hyping up the "China threat" narrative.

Also on Tuesday, Chinese officials rolled out a slew of major policy measures to support the country's economy, the housing market and the stock market, including cuts to the policy rate and the reserve requirement ratio (RRR), all aimed at creating a favorable monetary and financial environment for stable economic growth and high-quality development.

On October 1, the People's Republic of China will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its founding. In an interview with the Global Times, Kerry Brown, professor of Chinese Studies and director of the Lau China Institute at King's College, London, said China has proven that it can do very unexpected and surprising things and the Chinese people are very internationally aware and have far greater exposure to and knowledge of the outside world.

The Global Times revealed how the US military-industrial complex orchestrates cognitive warfare campaigns against China to incite the Philippines to confront China, how the US government has transitioned from the forefront to the background to exert influence on the Philippines, and what tactics have been used in these cognitive wars.

Cultural exchanges between China and other countries in 2023 showed a rapid recovery and positive trajectory, thanks to a focus on balancing security and development while prioritizing cooperation and mutual benefit, says the Report on China's Cultural Exchanges with the World released at the Beijing Culture Forum last week.