Chinese modernization a commitment to people-centered development philosophy: Italian scholar
Published: Oct 04, 2024 11:27 AM
Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Illustration: Liu Rui/GT

Editor's Note:

For many foreigners, China may remain a mysterious land. However, for some China hands, the real China is credible, appealing and respectable. Their research and observations provide authentic reflections of China's transformation, mirroring the country's achievements and attractiveness. On October 1, the People's Republic of China (PRC) celebrated the 75th anniversary of its founding. The Global Times launches a series titled "China Hands: My China Voyages" to share the connections, stories and insights of influential scholars and analysts who study China, narrating the changes and accomplishments they witness in China, and presenting a multifaceted view of the country. 

In the sixth article of the series, Giancarlo Elia Valori (Valori), an Italian expert on international affairs and Honorary Professor at the Peking University, shared his stories with Global Times (GT).

Giancarlo Elia Valori Photo: Courtesy of Valori

Giancarlo Elia Valori Photo: Courtesy of Valori

GT:Could you introduce how your story with China began? For years, why have you been interested in visiting China? Where do you find China's attractiveness?

Valori: Many years have elapsed since then. I went to the People's Republic of China for the first time in the late 1970s - precisely in 1977. My interest in China motivated me to gain first-hand experience of the country rather than relying on what I learned from others or the media influenced by Western powers. 

I have always been drawn to visiting China because of its rich, thousand-year history and its traditions of friendly cooperation among nations, aimed at promoting peace and development in the world. China does not subscribe to the theory that a strong country must seek hegemony. The Chinese people do not possess a gene for oppressing other nations through militarism, so-called soft power, or through humanitarian bombs that purport to bring "freedom."

The changes in China have gone through different historical phases. Next April will mark the 70th anniversary of the Bandung Conference, during which the five principles, namely mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful co-existence, were established. The five principles, which have been written into China's Constitution long before, are the bedrock of China's independent foreign policy of peace.

Another decisive step that China takes has been the choice of modernization. Seeking the satisfaction of the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of the nation is the fundamental mission of Chinese modernization. The attractiveness of China lies in its ability to grow without imposing its models on others, while avoiding the mistakes made by those who believe they are the "custodians of truth" by infringing on the freedoms of others.

GT: How do you comment on the achievements of China over the past 75 years? Some call it "miracle in development of mankind." What's your take? 

Valori: I agree with the definition of "miracle." Suffice it to say that since October 1, 1949, China's economy has made great strides. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the country has sought to stimulate its power, vitality, and potential toward high quality through new development concepts. This approach has effectively responded to various risks and challenges along the way and has successfully promoted the country's economy in a healthy manner. 

Over the last 75 years, China's economic vitality has continued to emerge. In 2010, China surpassed Japan to become the world's second-largest economy. Since the aforementioned 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's economic strength has continued to increase. In 2020, the total economic volume exceeded 100 trillion yuan ($14.26 trillion), and in 2023, it exceeded 126 trillion.

Total grain production increased from 113.18 million tons in 1949 to 695.41 million tons in 2023. "The rice bowl" is firmly in the hands of the Chinese people, and the foundational position of agriculture has been continuously strengthened. In 2023, the total value added of the industrial sector was 39.9 trillion yuan. Industrial production capacity has been consistently improved, with new industries and trading platforms emerging one after another, while the service sector has gradually become the largest industry in the national economy.

It should also be noted that since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, its economic influence has been steadily increasing. Based on data from the United Nations and other sources, China's share of global GDP was approximately 17 percent in 2023. From 2013 to 2023, China contributed more than 30 percent to global economic growth on average, making it a primary driver of global economic expansion. I believe this provides a sufficient overview.

GT: Through years of exploration and practice, China has developed its own path to modernization. Why should China firmly adhere to this path?

Valori: As I have previously stated in conferences and in my writings, a distinction must be made. Chinese modernization should be distinguished from the so-called Westernization, which aims to impose its production system on the world by any means necessary, often resorting to violent and deceitful tactics. In the current period of reforms, social productive forces are being unleashed and developed to make significant strides in national construction and provide a systemic guarantee filled with new vitality and material conditions for rapid development. The era of socialism with Chinese characteristics offers a more comprehensive institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and a more dynamic spiritual force for national modernization.

The push for modernization, the deepening of theoretical understanding, the continuous strategic maturation, and the enrichment of practice have been articulated through a series of ideas, new viewpoints, and far-sighted conclusions that enhance and develop modernization theories. This represents a new analysis of the theories that have been promoting the country's historical conquests and changes for years.

GT: Over the past decades, China has taken solid steps marching toward its own path of modernization. In your opinion, what are the sources of China's confidence?

Valori: The reasons for China's confidence in itself stem from its goal of achieving substantial modernization. Contrary to what is often proclaimed by some Western propaganda, there is no single model of modernization in the world, nor is there a model that can be imposed by force and violence, as is frequently the case with the "Westernization" mentioned above. Additionally, there is no standard universal model with a set of instructions for implementation. 

The analysis of the theory of Chinese modernization is fundamentally about caring for a country with a vast population, based on a deep synthesis of experiences and lessons learned from both successes and mistakes in the modernization efforts of other countries.

China has a population of over 1.4 billion people. The challenges and complexities faced are unprecedented, and the development path and promotion methods must possess their own unique characteristics. Common prosperity is therefore an essential requirement and a long-term historical process. China's modernization adheres to a philosophy rooted in the Chinese system of people-centered development. It responsibly and proactively seeks to address regional disparities, urban-rural differences, and income distribution inequalities. The country promotes social equity and justice, gradually realizing common prosperity for all its citizens while resolutely preventing polarization.

GT: Looking to the future, in which areas are you more optimistic about China's development? What kind of Chinese power and wisdom do you hope China will continue to contribute to the world in the future?

Valori: April 16, 2022, was a moment that attracted worldwide attention in China's manned spaceflight sector. After setting a new record of 183 days of continuous flight in orbit, three Chinese astronauts returned from the space to their home planet. Therefore, the key phase of testing Chinese technology has been successfully completed.

Scientific and technological innovation is the key driver of progress in human civilization. China's manned spaceflights serve as a vivid example of the country's scientific and technological achievements consistently reaching new heights. They provide compelling evidence of high-level scientific and technological self-sufficiency, which continues to illuminate the path to modernization. Furthermore, they demonstrate the ability of a developing and growing country to contribute to the advancement of human civilization.