PLA Eastern Theater Command’s new training video serves as warning to ‘Taiwan independence’ forces: experts
Published: Oct 13, 2024 08:54 PM
Screenshot of the latest Eastern Theater Command training video (Photo: official Wechat account of the Chinese PLA Eastern Theater Command)

Screenshot of the latest Eastern Theater Command training video (Photo: official Wechat account of the Chinese PLA Eastern Theater Command)

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theater Command released a combat training video on Sunday, highlighting their readiness and ability to engage in combat missions. 

Experts believe this not only demonstrates PLA’s unwavering commitment to being prepared to safeguard China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, but also acts as a warning to “Taiwan independence” forces after Taiwan regional leader Lai Ching-te’s latest provocative speech on October 10.

The title of the latest training video “Zhen Ge Dai Dan” is derived from a historical story, which literally means “resting on a dagger-axe and waiting for the dawn.” The phrase is used to describe constant vigilance and readiness for combat.

The video features the training of ground forces as well as PLA warships and fighter jets. 

In the final scene of the video, Chinese character “Dan” is transformed into a shape where the Taiwan island in red, is encircled by other character strokes.

Zhang Junshe, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times on Sunday that the video serves as a warning to “Taiwan independence” forces and the external forces seeking to interfere in China’s domestic affairs.

The video features diverse equipment from the PLA, including naval, land, air, and rocket forces, as well as various types of landing craft, which highlights the strict daily training of the PLA, underscoring their determination and capability to engage in missions whenever necessary, Zhang said. 

Taiwan regional leader Lai Ching-te, in his provocative "Double Ten" (October 10) speech on Thursday, propagate the “two-state” rhetoric to advocate "Taiwan independence" separatist agenda. The State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office severely blasted such provocations

Zhang said that as the PLA Eastern Theater Command chose to unveil the video at this particular juncture, serving as a warning for "Taiwan independence" forces, warning them that any attempts to divide the country will fail.

The PLA will resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and is prepared to crush any separatist attempts, Zhang stressed, adding that the DPP authorities’ attempt to seek independence through military build-up and soliciting foreign intervention will fail.