Build 'bridges of the heart' between China, LAC
Media forum held to deepen mutual learning and understanding
Published: Oct 21, 2024 10:57 PM
A view of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Photo: VCG

A view of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Photo: VCG

Editor's Note: 

The 2024 China-LAC Media Cooperation Forum was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on October 16. Representatives from over 13 countries and regions, including media outlets, think tanks and international organizations, gathered to explore the theme of "Learning from Each Other, Understanding Each Other." The Global Times selected the opinions of six speakers to shed light on the role of media cooperation in building a China-LAC community with a shared future.

Hu Guo, vice president of People's Daily

President Xi Jinping put forward the initiative of building of a community with a shared future between China and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) for the first time in Brazil in 2014, setting the direction for the development of China-LAC relations in the new era. LAC nations responded positively and widely to his proposal. Over the past decade, thanks to the joint efforts of both sides, the construction of the China-LAC community with a shared future has continuously yielded new achievements, ushering China-LAC relations into a new era characterized by equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness and shared prosperity.

Today, as the world faces intertwined changes and growing uncertainty in the global economic outlook, we are confident that the trends toward a multipolar world and economic globalization remain unchanged. Only through openness and cooperation can common development be achieved. The successful convening of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC)  in July this year made systematic arrangements for further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization, sending a clear signal to the world of China's unwavering commitment to promoting high-quality development and expanding high-level opening-up. At this new historical starting point, China-LAC cooperation is bound to unlock great potential and open a new chapter.

The friendship and cooperation between China and LAC nations are rooted in the hearts of the people and stem from exchanges. The media serves as an essential platform for people-to-people exchanges, a vital channel for the blending of civilizations, and an important bridge for fostering friendship. We hope to fully leverage the media's unique charm and communication strengths to build "bridges of the heart" between the peoples of China and LAC nations, promoting cultural mutual learning, reflecting shared sentiments, and strengthening bonds between hearts and minds.

Li Yongzhong, minister at the Chinese Embassy in Brazil

Although China is geographically distant from LAC countries, the friendly exchanges between the peoples of both sides have a long history. China, one of the largest developing countries in the world, and Latin America, one of the most concentrated regions of developing countries, have always respected each other and cooperated for win-win results. They have promoted mutual development and prosperity, enhanced the well-being of their peoples, and made important contributions to maintaining world peace and stability.

In 2014, President Xi attended the China-LAC Leaders' Meeting, where for the first time he proposed the idea of building a China-LAC community with a shared future. Over the past decade, China and Latin America have utilized the Belt and Road Initiative as a platform, adhering to extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits. At present, China is comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernization, while LAC countries are also working hard for development and revitalization. The potential for China-LAC cooperation is vast, with broad prospects ahead.

Evandro Menezes de Carvalho, professor of International Law at Fluminense Federal University School of Law, Brazil 

Having achieved remarkable accomplishments, China serves as a model for developing countries. However, to gain a deeper insight into the dynamics of its reality, one must understand how the country is governed. This involves not only considering how its systems function but also examining how China's history and the wisdom of its people shape political processes and decision-making.

Chinese socialism in the 21st century is not only the adaptation of Marxism to the challenges of contemporary capitalism, but also an evolution of the governance system. This system facilitates a reintegration of the essence of Chinese culture with the Communist Party of China's pursuit of national rejuvenation. Without understanding this, one cannot grasp contemporary China.

Without understanding China's history, it is impossible to grasp why its political system and society function as they do. Without studying China's political and legal processes and institutions, one cannot fully understand how the Party and the state promote socio-economic development. And without engaging with the Chinese people and observing their daily lives, it is difficult to see the world from their perspective - a crucial step in balancing the heavily Westernized worldview that often skews our understanding.

We need to engage in more exchanges in the spirit of friendship that guides those committed to peace and the common prosperity of the people.

Dilbert Reyes Rodríguez, director of Cuban newspaper Periódico Granma

In the 21st century, we are more interconnected than ever before. However, the digital divide between the most developed countries and the Global South, where the vast majority of participants in our Forum come from, remains acute and impedes development in all its dimensions. Moreover, technology cannot bridge the differences and separations in our world.

We can think of it as a paradox: While the world is becoming increasingly interconnected, fake news, media manipulation and a proliferation of content that has drifted away from universal values, such as solidarity, responsibility and environmental protection, are rampant. Individualism and the "cancel culture" attempt to impose themselves as norms, while at the same time, powerful media conglomerates set standards and define what is considered good and bad. In Cuba, we know this all too well.

Today, the Global South must take advantage of the opportunities offered by development, transcending borders and geographical boundaries while building networks based on the principles we uphold. As in other areas, media cooperation is crucial. The challenges are daunting, but the collective wisdom and potential of each of us, based on integration and respect, make it possible to realize models of culture, tradition and alternative development on this vast global stage. This has led to initiatives such as the Belt and Road News Network, which enables us to integrate goals, topics and actions of common interest.

Environmental sustainability, respect for each country's right to choose its own path without prejudice to others and the promotion of values that ensure a prosperous and peaceful common future are goals we must achieve. The realization of these goals also requires solidarity, cooperation and media reinforcement.

César Antonio Chaman, editor-in-chief of Peruvian news agency Andina

In an era when macroeconomic data, per capita income and GDP growth are the sole considerations for development, it is undoubtedly extremely valuable to place cultural exchanges at the center of the agenda of such an important forum. The diversity of nations is our unique hallmark. At the same time, we recognize that we still face numerous social challenges that need to be addressed.

Here, I would like to emphasize that LAC countries are presenting themselves to the world as a region of opportunity, geopolitical stability and a spirit of optimism. The LAC countries have a wealth of natural resources to share with the world. However, such potential should not be seen as a resource to be exploited and looted.

The purpose of this forum is to gather consensus and collaborative strength to promote the construction of a China-LAC community with a shared future. We are well aware that our contributions to the realization of this grand blueprint must stem from our area of expertise - information dissemination and communication. This communication should not be limited to the perspective of a single country, but should focus on the common challenges faced by all humanity.

Marcos de Oliveira, director of Brazilian newspaper Monitor Mercantil

Historically, the potential of LAC has not been fully realized, largely due to unequal relations with developed countries. This inequality affects not only our region, but also other countries around the world.

This is an unsustainable situation. Fortunately, this reality is beginning to change. People generally no longer accept the existence of a unipolar world. A multipolar world began to be established.

The opportunity to improve the situation depends on relationships between countries. These relationships should benefit everyone, not just one side. This is the goal the world is striving to achieve, and it is the path that LAC countries are attempting to pave in their relationship with China.

Perhaps one of the strongest characteristics of LAC is the pursuit of freedom and a more just world. One thing we can learn from China is the importance of implementing national development projects based on the specific characteristics of each country, ensuring that these projects align with the aspirations of all people for a better life.

We will take further steps on the path to integration, contributing to closer ties between China and LAC. In this process, the media should also better fulfill its social role, meeting the expectations of the people.