Looking up to the lofty mountains and emulating the virtuous: an observation of Xi's trip to Fujian and Anhui provinces
Published: Oct 21, 2024 11:53 PM
Picture taken on November 12, 2023, shows the Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall in Zhangzhou, East China's Fujian Province. Photo: VCG

Picture taken on November 12, 2023 shows the Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall in Zhangzhou, East China's Fujian Province. Photo: VCG

The greatest strength lies in unity and collaboration. 

Shortly after celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, visited Fujian and Anhui provinces, and paid a visit to the Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall in Fujian's Dongshan county. 

This visit, along with the ceremony to award national medals and honorary titles, shares a common value orientation.

From Gu Wenchang, a former Dongshan Party chief who vowed, "If I cannot conquer the wind and sand, then let the wind and sand bury me," to combat hero Huang Zongde, the "People's Craftsman" Xu Zhenchao, the cave doctor Lu Shengmei, and Bayika Kalidibek, who guards the border in the "forbidden zone of life" - they all chose one cause in their lives and fulfilled their promises. They fearlessly faced the passage of time, embracing challenges with joy and fulfillment, regardless of difficulties.

They are heroic models and pioneers, shining examples of the Chinese nation. Despite their different professions, ages, experiences, and regions of origin, people can see the unity and shared virtues in their brilliant deeds: They all possess loyalty, dedication, and simplicity; they have patriotism and the aspiration to serve the country in their blood and bones.

In the new era, why do we repeatedly elevate heroes and role models, honoring them and learning from them reverently? 

Xi delivered a speech at the award ceremony to confer national medals and national honorary titles on recipients of the highest state honors ahead of the National Day, saying, "All Party members and people of all ethnic groups should take heroes and role models as examples, unite and strive forward to form a mighty force to build a strong China."

The Chinese nation, which has witnessed both glory and suffering, deeply understands that without direction, the endless search will ultimately be fruitless. The energy accumulated by the Chinese nation has been dormant for too long. This energy, surging from the depths of history and flowing toward the future, must rely on great goals to inspire and great spirits to unite.

Having crossed the threshold of 75 years, we examine the past.

We reflect on the 13 idealistic youths who used the door knocker at 106 Wangzhi Road in Shanghai (now 76 Xingye Road), to tap on the door to a new world; we recall the questions posed in the cave-dwellings and the journey to Beijing from Xibaipo in Hebei; we remember the newborn republic rising like the sun; we reflect on the Story of Spring; we look back on the historic achievements and transformative changes since the new era... This history will be eternally recorded, illuminating both the past and the present. Countless righteous individuals and heroic pioneers have soared through the skies of history, wielding their pens, and singing their grand songs as they march forward, to create an epic that resonates through the ages.

Their spirit has been refined over time, and their values have grown even more radiant through the years. They carry forward the deep love for the nation and the soul of the people that have endured for millennia, embodying the unbroken flow of the Chinese civilization that spans over 5,000 years. Through their tireless efforts, they have crafted a new spirit, one that continues to thrive on the land where generations have lived and flourished, collectively creating our rich spiritual home.

This is the continuation of a legacy, and the power of spirit.

As the saying goes, "True sound is rarely heard, the greatest forms are invisible; water nurtures quietly, but wears down the stone."

It is this spirit that inspired a young man, after hearing the story of Jiao Yulu in his middle school classroom, to write the poem "Nian Nu Jiao: In Memory of Jiao Yulu" years later at his post, pouring out his deep emotions. 

The piece is replete with stirring lines such as, "Your legacy lives on, no matter how many years come and go."

Upon reflection, one might wonder how much landscape a county Party secretary could change in Lankao county, Central China's Henan Province in just under two years. What he left behind was the invaluable "Jiao Yulu Spirit." His legacy continues to inspire countless individuals to press on and complete unfinished tasks.

Gu Wenchang is yet another example of an inspirational figure in the new era. While working in Fujian, Xi noticed a small but significant detail. Many years had passed, yet during holidays and festivals, the younger generation in Dongshan would "first honor Gu before worshiping their ancestors." 

Deeply moved and inspired, Xi urged everyone to learn from Gu's spirit, stressing, "wherever officials serve, they should benefit the people." 

Later, when Xi left Fujian to work in Zhejiang in East China, he wrote an article with Gu as the main figure, drawing from the enduring strength of his spirit.

All great causes advance through continuous struggle.

Today, as China enters the the critical period for our endeavor to build a great country and move toward national rejuvenation on all fronts through Chinese modernization, we have never been closer to realizing the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. 

However, the path ahead grows increasingly difficult and perilous. Yet, if we don't advance, we will retreat - progress is not optional but necessary. What will help us overcome the challenges ahead? What will drive us forward without hesitation?

The road is long and treacherous. "To achieve our goals, we need heroes and a heroic spirit." The general secretary frequently describes the journey to climbing a mountain. 

The Chinese modernization with over 1.4 billion people is a grand and arduous task. Every step forward draws upon the collective strength of heroic determination and the power of unity.

Every era has its own mission. In times of war, amid the flames of battle, heroes emerged from the soil, sacrificing themselves for the greater good. During the periods of construction and reform, people endured hardship and braved the unknown. From starting with nothing to crossing the river by feeling the stones, many heroes and distinguished figures emerged through the ages.

Gu Wenchang, Jiao Yulu, as well as Liao Junbo, and Yang Shanzhou… These grassroots heroes and models are ordinary and unassuming. On the surface, their stories seem ordinary, but are actually magnificent; they seem silent, yet their voices resonate through the times. 

This is the portrait of heroes in peacetime. Whether it be a farmer rolling up his sleeves in the fields, a person covered in mud planting trees in the desert, or people at construction sites, in factories, military camps, or laboratories... every ordinary person can lead an extraordinary life, and every ordinary job can create extraordinary achievements.

From this perspective, we can gain a deeper understanding of Xi's remarks at the memorial hall: Gu is an exemplary representative of the countless outstanding leading officials of the Communist Party of China (CPC). When we learn from his deeds, we should not only look up to him as if we look up to the lofty mountains, but also strive to emulate his virtues. By "taking office in one place and benefiting the people there" as Gu did, officials can walk the right path in life, and that is indeed the genuine way forward.

Between the lines of Xi's words, the significance of heroic models in our era and their place among the people become strikingly clear. Heroes are not solitary figures; they represent a collective group that, step by step, they pave the way for historic advancements. Whether in grand gestures or quiet dedication, they unite in their forward march, shining like a constellation of stars. 

Take, for instance, the veteran hero Zhang Fuqing, who achieved remarkable feats during wartime and returned to a humble civilian life in peacetime, concealing his contributions and fame for over 60 years. When we explore the spiritual lineage of the CPC, we find the spirits named after heroic figures, but even more prominently, we see a rich tapestry of collective heroism - of the Party members and of the people.

In Xizang, we see figures like Kong Fansen alongside countless cadres and masses who, despite low oxygen levels on the plateau, are rich in spirit. In poverty alleviation, we find Zhang Guimei and Mao Xianglin, as well as the countless contributors on the frontlines who have ventured into the most remote villages and stayed among the poorest families. In the fight against COVID-19, we recognize Zhong Nanshan, Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu, and Chen Wei, along with numerous brave medics, military personnel, police officers, and volunteers. The list is extensive, echoing Xi's words that the Chinese nation has experienced many ordeals in its history yet continues to grow and develop, not because of a savior, but because in the face of great calamities, countless ordinary people have stepped forward bravely and generously.

Reflecting on the article "Hidden achievements and visible achievements" that Xi wrote in 2005, we find insights into Xi's governance philosophy. Gu led the military and civilians of the whole county to plant protective forests, build roads, construct sea dikes, develop ports, and create salt fields - each of these endeavors has benefited future generations. This perspective of "success does not necessarily lie with me in the end, but my contribution to it is a certainty" is precisely what our current endeavors call for.

Our goals encompass both short-term and long-term tasks. Xi notes, we must focus on the present while keeping an eye on the future, and prioritize foundational work that benefits the long term. By not fixating on personal fame, but rather pursuing the goodwill of the people and the true evaluations that come with a historical legacy, we can accumulate lasting benefits from our modest contributions. And "such 'hidden achievements' are the greatest 'visible achievements.'"

Those who "carve a monument" in the hearts of the people will undoubtedly be remembered in history by both the Party and the populace. In this new era, we have witnessed significant actions, from repatriating the remains of martyrs to establishing Martyrs' Memorial Day, and from promoting the spiritual lineage of CPC members to enhancing a recognition system for individuals who have made remarkable contributions to the Party and the nation. These initiatives are guided by profound wisdom in governance. The Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPC on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization, adopted during the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, emphasizes the creation of an "atmosphere in which people look up to heroes, pay tribute to martyrs, and strive to become pioneers."

Today, we also focus our attention on the backbone of the nation, paying tribute to these contributors. This reflects our cultural confidence and the revival of our civilization, underscoring our country's commitment to governance through propriety and leading the people with integrity.

A nation that has endured the trials of time honors all the heroes who have contributed to the Chinese nation and its people, creating a grand and magnificent historical narrative that is both legally recognized and deeply cherished by the hearts of the populace.

Xi's visit to Fujian and Anhui included an agenda related to the Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall - a trip to Hefei Binhu Science City, where significant technological innovations from recent years are showcased. The pace of development here is truly remarkable. 

Today, China's technological innovation has reached a level where high-tech advancements are not easily attained; they emerge from narrow spaces, rising anew amid fierce winds and torrential rains. A multitude of scientific workers, embodying the spirit of inquiry and dedication, are committed to alleviating the nation's concerns, addressing its challenges, and fulfilling their responsibilities. How many times can one genuinely strive in life? Countless individuals across various fields and industries are both ordinary and extraordinary, collectively supporting China that has risen, prospered, and grown strong. 

Time marches on relentlessly. The Gu Wenchang Memorial Hall, shaded by lush trees, buzzes with visitors; at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance), the statues of Jiao Yulu and Gu Wenchang resonate with one another; red revolutionary memorial sites across the country greet yet another peaceful morning; and hundreds of millions of people tirelessly cultivate the land of hope. The figures of heroic models have blended seamlessly into the flowing crowd, and the spirit of these heroes permeates the world around us. Their spirit, character, integrity, and principles have become the hallmark of our times, achieving an enduring vitality through their struggles for great causes.