China lodges solemn representation after EP passes Taiwan island-related resolution that violates one-China principle
Published: Oct 25, 2024 12:51 PM
A screenshot of a statement of a spokesperson from the Chinese Mission to the European Union in response to the European Parliament (EP) unilaterally passing a resolution related to China’s Taiwan region, by Chinese Mission to the EU

A screenshot of a statement of a spokesperson from the Chinese Mission to the European Union in response to the European Parliament (EP) unilaterally passing a resolution related to China’s Taiwan region, by Chinese Mission to the EU

China expresses strong indignation and resolute opposition to the erroneous act that violates the one-China principle and interferes in China's internal affairs, and has lodged a solemn representation to the European side, said a spokesperson from the Chinese Mission to the European Union on Friday, in response to the European Parliament (EP) unilaterally passing a resolution related to China's Taiwan region.

The EP, disregarding China's strong opposition, maliciously distorted United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 2758. This is a distortion of facts, a violation of international law, and a blatant provocation against the post-war international order and established norms of international relations, said the spokesperson, according to the Chinese Mission to the EU.

Over the past few years, the EP has passed multiple resolutions against China, which indicates that it views China through a biased lens, Zhao Junjie, senior research fellow at the Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Friday.

However, the EP holds certain powers, especially focuses on internal European affairs, and although it has adopted a somewhat tough stance on China, its actual influence is limited and does not play a decisive role, Zhao said.

Before the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, it was already a historical fact and an international consensus that the Taiwan island belongs to China. It serves as an important political premise for the passing of Resolution 2758, said the spokesperson.

The Taiwan question relates to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and is at the core of China's core interests. The one-China principle is a widely recognized fundamental norm in international relations and serves as the political foundation for China's relations with countries around the world and the European Union. It is a red line that cannot be crossed, said the spokesperson.

China urges the European side to adhere to its political commitments, implement the one-China principle, and exercise caution in its statements and actions regarding the Taiwan question, thereby safeguarding the political foundation of China-EU relations, the spokesperson noted.

We also urge those ignorant politicians to refrain from a futile effort and to abandon the illusion of using the Taiwan question to contain China's development and obstruct China's reunification, said the spokesperson.

China will achieve national reunification and Taiwan island will inevitably return to the embrace of the motherland. This is a historical trend that no one and no force can stop, the spokesperson said.

Despite that the EP has adopted a tough stance on China, the EU is not uniform in its approach. Member states have varying interests and positions, for instance, countries like Hungary and Germany have expressed differing views on issues such as high tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, Zhao noted.

Global Times