WORLD >>Other Regions

True nature of Australia seems ironic in its own media

Australia's China policy is actually following in the footsteps of the US, but Canberra refuses to admit to it. In a self-deceiving way, the Morrison administration has always emphasized that, “we will always be Australia.”
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/17 11:53:40

Ten years since Arab Spring, the US leaves a mess, ruin in Middle East with interference, imposing 'Western democracy'

Ten years on from the Arab Spring - a string of uprisings across the Middle East that first started in Tunisia - how has the Middle East fared? While some governments have been overthrown, the reforms many once demanded still seem to be a far-fetched dream. Some countries have even entered an era of more turbulence and insecurity.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/16 21:13:42

GT Voice: Canberra's paranoia about China-PNG fishery project lays bare its ill intention

A seemingly trivial fishery project between China and Papua New Guinea (PNG) may have struck a nerve with some in Australia amid the deteriorating China-Australia relationship.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/13 21:20:27

China-Singapore adept at turning crises into wins amid global changes

China and Singpore are capable of turning crises into opportunities amid profound global changes. Working together, the two countries can take their relations forward for the next 30 years and beyond.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/13 18:03:41

Why are Australian media outlets agitated over a GT investigative report?

Australian media outlets are shaping Australia's international image as a malicious and paranoid country.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/8 14:03:40

Is Australia qualified to judge who violates human rights?

Australia may have tossed out an answer. Since it wants Magnitsky-style legislation, following the step of the US, it proves that Canberra is willing to be obedient to Washington, presenting the power to have final say to the US.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/7 21:23:33

Has Australia misjudged US capability to interfere in Asia?

Taking sides with the US over China has cost Australia valuable diplomatic flexibility. Australia has been smashed between two rocks instead of milking both sides.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/3 15:13:40

China-Australia trade stalemate far from hitting bottom

The Australian Bureau of Statistics is scheduled to release trade data for October on Thursday, which may not show a free-fall drop yet as many have concerned amid cascading trade tensions with China.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/2 20:08:40

Afghans embrace China's humanitarian cartoon, demand Aussie justice

The victim families want the trial of these soldiers to take place inside Afghanistan where the crime happened. We are condemning this brutal act of Australian soldiers.
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/2 20:36:32

Kiwis bleat like Aussie sheep but don't condemn Afghan killings

The West should take the latest incident as an alarm bell – when they smear other countries with baseless accusations, why can't other countries criticize the West or make well-intentioned suggestions for their misdeeds?
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/1 22:54:29

PM muddies Aussie's own waters with double-standard outburst

Indeed, Canberra should apologize to the unarmed people who were brutally killed by Australia's elite soldiers, and to their families and friends. It should also apologize to the Chinese artist, whose work was groundlessly smeared as a “false image.”
Source: Global Times | 2020/12/1 17:43:40

What the Canadian government did wrong in Huawei CFO's case?

It's been two years since Meng Wanzhou was arbitrarily taken into custody in Canada on December 1, 2018. While her early and safe return to China has been very much on the minds of her fellow Chinese, there have also been growing calls for Meng's release in Canada from fair-minded members of parliament, former ministers, retired diplomats, judges and lawyers - all adding their voices to the plea for justice and reason.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/30 21:08:29

Aussie PM gets Kangaroo hopping mad instead of punishing its war criminals

The Australian troop's ruthless, despicable and cowardly practice of ritualized murder known as the “blooding practice” is the issue that Canberra and the whole country should be “ashamed” of.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/30 20:48:41

Why 'Asian Era' will be globally embraced

The “Asian Era” has started and will for sure have its ultimate arrival in the annals of history.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/30 15:03:40

Without reflecting, Australia can be walking into the dark

If Canberra cannot reflect on its previous moves against China and make adjustments, improving China-Australia relations will be far from visible. At that time, Australians will know how it feels like to walk into the dark.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/26 21:48:40

RCEP, CPTPP and the Asian Century

We are thus witnessing the return, in full regalia, of the Asia Pacific to the center of world affairs. If China were to join the TPP11, and we could look at the possibility of a merger between the RCEP and the TPP11, that would be a real game-changer. It would certainly move us further along to what Kishore Mahbubani has referred to as the Asian Century.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/26 16:48:40

Naïve for Australia to fix ties with China through empty slogan

Spelling out Australia's stance against taking sides in words is no olive branch, but proving such stance in deeds is. When Uncle Sam garners allies against Beijing and takes more actions to contain China, would Canberra respond with a loud “No”?
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/24 20:52:46

Hope Morrison govt will talk the talk, and walk the walk

Chinese people do not expect the Morrison administration to truly reflect on their policy of acting as the US' auxiliary police. However, we hope that they can learn the necessary lessons, adopt more realistic policies and revise their previous behavior toward China. No matter how sincere Morrison's latest statement is, hopefully that it can be reflected in Australia's actions. Only then can China-Australia relations be improved.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/24 20:30:19