WORLD >>Other Regions

If Australia wants to remain Australia, it must tell the US

What makes Australia not behave like itself is the US, not any other country. If Morrison wants his country to remain Australia, he should have said so to the US.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/19 21:35:58

China-Japan-SK FTA to speed up with RCEP push

In the wake of the successful signing of the world's largest trade deal - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) that encompasses a third of the global economy, a higher level trilateral free trade agreement(FTA) among China, Japan and South Korea is likely to be reached sooner than expected.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/18 19:35:24

Ottawa unwise to let ties get mired in Meng's case

While Canada appears to be eager to repair trade relations with the next US administration, China-Canada tensions are not necessarily the recipe for the goal.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/12 21:37:47

Australia should take concrete steps to mend China relations

It's hoped that Australia can continue to pursue an independent and friendly policy toward China and take concrete actions to repair bilateral relations.
Source: Global Times | 2020/11/12 21:13:40

Suga's speech shows Japan's willingness to work with China

It's expected that the Suga administration will continue to promote the stable development of China-Japan relations and cooperation between the two countries for the foreseeable future.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/27 18:23:41

Tokyo wise to exercise restraint with Washington's Taiwan games

For Tokyo, the best choice is to keep the status quo and not dance to Washington's interpretation about cross-Straits matters. Besides, given the approaching of US presidential election next week, there are great uncertainties in US politics. Tokyo should think carefully before making any decisions. It shouldn't rashly respond to any suggestions coming from Washington.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/25 20:38:51

Suga's first foreign visit reveals Japan's Indo-Pacific vision

It is true that Japan hopes Vietnam and Indonesia can work as anti-China forces. Yet it seems to underestimate the significance of Suga's visit if it is only understood as an "anti-China diplomacy." Suga's visit to the two Southeast Asian countries serves Japan's internal affairs, attempting to deal with its difficult economic slowdown, as well as to promote its Indo-Pacific vision.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/22 21:58:40

Business between China and Southeast Asia to re-start after COVID-19

On Tuesday, South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will hold its second conference for overseas Chinese entrepreneurs, one of the first local business fairs to re-launch after the COVID-19 crisis, though it will remain online. Thanks to Guangxi's geographic location neighboring Southeast Asia, it will also bring much-needed opportunities for companies to expand their operations in the region.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/19 17:43:40

Vitality of Chinese economy to provide opportunities for Pacific island countries in post-pandemic era: Chinese Ambassador to Solomon Islands

China and Solomon Islands have built diplomatic relations for one year. The two sides have carried out exchanges and cooperation in various fields and achieved fruitful outcomes. The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Solomon Islands held an opening ceremony on September 21, launching a new chapter in the relations between the two countries. At the same time, the development of the bilateral relationship has received pressure from both inside and outside Solomon Islands. Recently, the Global Times (GT) reporter Shan Jie interviewed Li Ming (Li), Chinese Ambassador to Solomon Islands, to talk about his observations and feelings in promoting China-Solomon Islands relations.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/13 18:02:01

50-year diplomatic ties marred by Canada's detention of Huawei's Meng Wanzhou

The longer Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou is detained in Canada, the more damage it will do to China-Canada ties, and Canada would "eat the bitter fruit" of soured bilateral ties in many fields including trade, Chinese experts warned, as the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties falls on Tuesday.
Source: Global Times | 2020/10/12 20:06:02

Australia's China-bashing is self-hurting

Diplomats are said to be positive peace makers rather than malevolent warmongers. Instead of safeguarding Australia's own national interest, Aussie Ambassador to US Arthur Sinodinos seems to be more dedicated to serving US agenda against China.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/28 23:53:40

Calls for easing China-Aussie economic disputes can't ignore political reconciliation

Despite the deteriorating China-Australia relationship, there have been calls and wishes for continued bilateral cooperation in economic and trade aspects. On Wednesday, John Howard, former Australian prime minister, said on the sidelines of the Singapore Summit that Australia and China need to find common ground despite their differences because the economic relationship between them is very important.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/17 22:03:42

Can a new life for the UN start at 75?

A true reform of the UN cannot start in New York; it should start in national capitals of member states.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/17 20:14:24

Why Suga might have trouble sweetening policies Abe pushed for

Abe left Suga two major problems: national security policies and the constitutional amendment.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/17 19:43:40

Australia drifts into McCarthyism by targeting Chinese envoys, raiding journalists

As one of the US' closest allies, Australia simply follows the US without carefully considering the consequences.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/16 23:56:05

Aussie 'white terror' campaign cracks real free speech on reporters

Democracy, people's livelihood and press freedom – some of the ideas that the West is proud of – have been openly abandoned by Australia and replaced by US styled McCarthyism and “white terror.”
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/14 21:05:50

Why new Asian security structure is needed for emerging puzzles

With unprecedented changes in the world and the rampant pandemic, there exist increasing uncertainties and instabilities as well as a lack of public security products in Asia. It is urgent for everyone to work together to adhere to bottom-line thinking and tackle shared threats and challenges.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/14 16:57:05

Australian journalist becomes bugler for American lies on China: observer

In May, Australian journalist Sharri Markson of The Daily Telegraph revealed a Five Eyes intelligence report, claiming that the novel coronavirus may have come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Source: Global Times | 2020/9/12 18:25:42