Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

US rebalancing strategy faces dim future

With the US presidential election entering the sprint stage, Barack Obama's eight-year term is also close to an end. Looking back over his eight years in power, the president has brought many new ideas and changes for US diplomacy - giving priority to using multilateral platforms to solve hot spot issues, making efforts to ease relations with hostile countries, promoting non-traditional security issues including climate change and non-proliferation. One of the most notable changes is that the US has shifted its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region, and "rebalancing" has become key to its foreign policy.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 19:18:40

Tsai has mandate, but does she care for voters?

In the past year, no matter if it was in regard to the struggle between the blue camp and the green camp, or the case in which Hung Hsiu-chu was replaced by Eric Chu as the Kuomintang's candidate for Taiwan's "presidential" election, Taiwan politicians have regularly referenced the biblical story in which two women both claimed to be the mother of a child in front of King Solomon. They used this story to prove which party loves Taiwan more, the Kuomintang or the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) or who loves the KMT more, Chu or Hung.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 19:23:39

Refugee crisis jeopardizes the European integration project

Optimism on the future of Europe is fading even among supporters of the European integration project. As opposed to statements issued by Brussels and positive comments made by EU officials, the reality is grim.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 19:23:39

TPP faltering mirrors US power decline

Amid the ongoing coverage of the US presidential election, one important consequence of a new incumbent entering the White House in January 2017 has gone relatively unnoticed: The fact that both the leading candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, are against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP. This means that with the exit of Barack Obama from office, one of the center points of his foreign policy is almost certainly going to exit too.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 19:13:39

Myanmar ethnic reconciliation a Chinese strategic goal

US President Barack Obama officially ordered the lifting of US sanctions on Myanmar on Friday. It has been analyzed by many as a way to counterbalance China's influence in Myanmar and Southeast Asia, while consolidating the US rebalance to the Asia-Pacific strategy.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 0:08:39

Moscow-Washington tension may endure

The US is too rapacious strategically. It is not easy for US society and its arrogant elites to reflect deeply. Washington's mistaken Russia policy will almost certainly continue, and the Russia-US relationship will be tense for a long time to come.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 0:08:39


Trump is a misogynist-in-chief.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 0:03:39

Ambiguous policy leads Tsai astray

Just four months after Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen took office, her approval rating has seen a steep fall. It's unusual that the honeymoon period of a political figure ends so soon.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/9 0:03:39

China contributes to Africa’s recent boom

In the last 15 years not only has China managed to increase its presence in the African continent, it has inarguably become the most successful nation in its interactions with Africa managing to leave footprints across the continent.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/8 19:13:39

North Korea’s desire for nuclear weapons not convincing for international community

The latest nuclear test by North Korea has triggered another round of criticism and countermeasures from the international community. Pyongyang may have reasons to feel insecure, but do these constitute enough of an excuse to own nuclear weapons?
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/8 19:03:39

Kazakhstan shows denuclearization works

Kazakhstan starts its two-year seat on the UN Security Council in January. This is the first time a Central Asian country has held the position. It is with our experience in nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation that we look forward to taking up our responsibility to the world.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/8 19:03:39

US voting system’s merit starts to fade

One month from the US general elections, the pre-election drama has come to its climax with candidates sparing no effort to badmouth each other.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/8 0:53:39

That's my seat!

Having an exclusive seat in a university library was once a dream of quite a few students.
Source: Global Times | 2016/10/8 0:48:39