Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Polarizing politics harming US patriotism

However, in this election, Trump and Clinton are representing and portraying two completely different sets of understandings and ideals of what American values stand for.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/20 18:58:39

Western media uses Wukan vigil as public opinion warfare to stoke unrest

Yet a petition by Lin’s relatives has won support from some villagers and foreign media outlets.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/20 18:58:39

China must stand against Mulan whitewashing

A Chinese society infested with inferiority complexes is going to have far-reaching consequences for the country that no amount of films can fix.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/20 18:53:39

China must stay out of Peninsula chaos

Despite enormous efforts made by China, the situation has spiraled out of China’s control.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 23:08:39

Good ties with China, India in Nepal’s best interest

Alarmed by China’s rising influence in Nepal, India is now trying to turn the tables. But such narrow-minded geopolitical logic will do favor to nobody.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 22:58:39

Free and fair?

Russia Duma election
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 22:13:39

Nepal risks missing chance with China

It seems that the relationship between Nepal and China stalled abruptly, and a visit by Chinese leaders to Nepal has allegedly been suspended – an unprecedented situation.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 19:53:39

Suu Kyi returns from US without ‘gold pot’ of lifting all sanctions on Myanmar

Yet the US has its intentions behind these moves.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 19:48:39

China’s Net model offers wealth for Africa

Most leaders in Africa who are currently in economic partnerships with China see the growth of the ICT and telecom sector as an end in itself and not as a means to an end.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 19:48:39

Clinton’s email server scandal: spam or virus?

In contrast, the issues regarding Hillary’s use of classified emails are complex and require a certain amount of awareness about how Washington and the State Department handle sensitive and classified material.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 19:43:39

Why West refuses to accept Duma election?

The relations between the West and Moscow are dominated by geopolitics.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 0:08:39

Vote buying undermines socialist democracy

With Chinese society becoming more complex, new forms of violations of law and discipline have emerged.
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/19 0:08:39

The shadow of fear

New York explosion
Source: Global Times | 2016/9/18 22:08:39