Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Promoting fakes frustrates efforts to unleash real Chinese creativity

The products create their own narrative. Jack Ma’s comments unfortunately show that even some at the top of Chinese business don’t recognize the importance of intellectual property. Until that changes, the reputation of Chinese products will suffer.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/21 21:18:00

Okinawans protest bases after murder linked to former marine

Another loophole that exists in the agreement is that unless an offender is arrested outside of a US base by Japanese police or investigators, the US authorities are allowed to retain custody of that individual.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/6/21 21:23:01

Senate blocks gun control measures again

The US Senate on Monday blocked four gun-control measures as the country reeled from one of the deadliest shootings in US history.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/6/21 21:18:01

Brexit would spell disaster for Eastern Europe

Such an event, unlikely but no longer unimaginable, would be a disaster. Eastern Europeans would be again in the uncertain, harsh world outside the EU’s ruined house.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/21 21:18:01

Albright: US rebalance not about limits, containment

Patriotism is one thing, to be proud of your country, but if you are nationalist, when you hate or mistrust another country and blame another country for your problems, that is very dangerous.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/20 23:08:00

China’s loan risks exposed by Venezuela’s domestic woes

China has seen far more benefits than losses from its comprehensive international cooperation.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/21 0:08:00

Trump touts Brexit

Donald Trump told Britons on Sunday he supported Brexit, repeating just days before the vote on June 23 that he thinks the UK would be better off outside the European Union.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/21 0:03:31

Arbitral tribunal may cost Duterte’s chance of mending Beijing ties

Duterte faces the opportunity of a lifetime to rise to the occasion and assume the difficult but eventually rewarding task of leadership. And the time is running out.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/20 23:48:00

China no barrier to India’s NSG membership

If the NPT and the NSG can give India an exemption, it should apply to Pakistan as well.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/20 23:58:01

Chinese elite wary of political consequences of Brexit

That’s why China wishes to see a united and strong EU, which is able to regain its former glory and influence in the days to come, rather than a fragile one weakened by Brexit.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/20 23:58:01

Cold War mentality dying off in Poland

Therefore, it’s not that “China went there too late,” but that Poland and the other CEE countries now have greater need for China.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/20 22:48:01

Orlando shooting reveals system’s vulnerability in tracking terror suspects

Colin P. Clarke, an associate political scientist at the RAND Corporation, said the US needs to dedicate more resources to countering violent extremism and countering the narrative of groups like IS. Clarke added that the US advertising industry could play a role.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/6/20 22:48:00

Colleges have failed to give young students moral compass

Too much emphasis on money is an example of bad teaching. Joint efforts from society, college and parents are required to address the issue. China’s economic growth may eventually bring not only material but also spiritual progresses to the society.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/20 22:38:01