Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.

Legislators should not create loopholes in nation’s vital smoking ban

China has suffered greatly under the smoking epidemic. Banning smoking in public places is just the first step toward implementing effective tobacco control.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/12 22:53:01

Criticism of CPEC is proof of progress

The attack against Chinese engineers is just a beginning, which China and Pakistan should take seriously.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/13 0:08:02

Sino-German ties prevail over radicalism

China and Germany have generally respected each other and made dynamic progress in their relations, but they can do better.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/13 0:43:01

Avoiding middle-income trap relies on Chinese reforms

Whether China can escape the trap lies on how the reforms will be carried out and how we deal with all the bumps on the road, rather than the plan itself.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/13 0:43:01

In-mouse competition

The competion between Shanghai Disneyland and the Hong Kong one
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/13 0:13:01

Germany-China ties must prove their mettle

We must work harder to show to each other that we welcome more exchanges. Germany wants to make greater efforts to make Chinese students and other young people from China feel at home. China could signal that it embraces foreigners as a positive factor in China’s development, students, interns and NGO workers included.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/13 0:08:02

TPP is big, but China-Africa is key also

TPP is no doubt a hot issue today, but China-Africa ties should not be forgotten; there is huge economic potential underneath them.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/13 0:08:01

Termination of rail project stinks of protectionism, hurts interests of US and China

It is obvious that XpressWest’s double-dealing maneuver, which maintained talks and promised to spare no efforts to defend CRI’s interests on the one hand, while suddenly called off cooperation on the other, has violated legal terms agreed on by both sides.
Source: Xinhua | 2016/6/12 23:23:01

A call to adjust affirmative action in China’s gaokao

The annual gaokao ended on Wednesday. Over the next month, 9.4 million students will receive their scores, which for many will decide the future of their higher education. The national college entrance exams are the first life-changing event for many Chinese youngsters and their families.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/12 0:33:01

Mickey Mouse operations

The upcoming opening of the Shanghai Disneyland theme park and resort on June 16 has not only stirred excitement among Disney fans, but also inspired a number of ambitious scams. In the run-up to the opening, a fake Disney hotel website emerged online to lure unsuspecting tourists.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/12 0:28:17

Why does Japan fear close Sino-Russian ties?

Russian and Chinese warships entered what Japan called the “contiguous zones” near the Diaoyu Islands almost at the same time on Wednesday night.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/12 0:28:01

Singapore is part of common circle of friendship of US and China

A commentary by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Researcher Cheng Bifan, entitled “Singapore has picked the wrong target in its balance of powers strategy,” published in the Global Times Chinese edition on June 1, 2016, suggests that Singapore has taken sides against China. This view is completely wrong.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/8 10:24:33

China-US tension eased a bit by dialogue

Over the years, the two have been competing with each other without ties being broken.
Source: Global Times | 2016/6/8 1:03:13